




1988年,林丹开始接触羽毛球。1992年,进福建体校。1995年,进入福州八一体工队。2000年,进入国家队。 2002年8月,登上国际羽联排名第一的位置。 2005年,苏迪曼杯决赛中,第二场出场的林丹战胜了当时已是奥运冠军的陶菲克,赛后他行军礼致意也成为其标志性的动作之一。[4] 2008年,林丹获得北京奥运会羽毛球男子单打冠军。林丹由此成为羽毛球历史上首位赢得全英赛、世锦赛、世界杯和奥运金牌的球员。2010年11月,夺得广州亚运会男单冠军并成为第一位获得亚运会最有价值运动员的中国选手。2011年6月,林丹的蜡像入驻上海杜莎夫人蜡像馆,成为中国仅有的几位拥有个人蜡像的运动员之一。 2012年,获得伦敦奥运会羽毛球男子单打金牌,卫冕成功。林丹成为首位在奥运会羽毛球男子单打项目中实现卫冕的运动员。 2014年9月29日,获得仁川亚运会男子单打获得冠军。Lin Dan (born October 14, 1983 in Longyan, Fujian[1]) is a professional badminton player from China. He is a two-time Olympic champion, five-time world champion, and five-time All England champion. Considered by many to be the greatest singles player of all time,[2][3][4] by the age of 28 Lin had completed the "Super Grand Slam", having won all nine major titles in the badminton world: Olympic Games, World Championships, World Cup, Thomas Cup, Sudirman Cup, Super Series Masters Finals, All England Open, Asian Games, and Asian Championships, becoming the first and only player to achieve this feat.Lin Dan also became the first men's singles player to retain the Olympic gold medal by winning in 2008 and defending his title in 2012He has been nicknamed "Super Dan" by his fans.详细的英文翻译见维基百科:
