
一首英文歌 记得有两句歌词好像是是we are the champion 和oh we are
答歌名:we are the champion。
I've paid my dues
Time after time
I've done my sentence
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes
I've made a few
I've had my share of sand
Kicked in my face
But I've come through
And I need to go on and on and on and on
We are the champions my friends
And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the world
I've taken my bows
And my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it
I thank you all
But it's been no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race
And I ain't gonna lose
And I need to go on and on and on and on
We are the champions my friends
And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the world
We are the champions my friends
And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions
《We are the champions》皇后乐队(Queen)最著名的单曲之一,发行于1978年初,由乐队主唱Freddie Mercury 作曲。同期发布的还有另外一首超级经典的“We will rock you”。这两首歌都以昂扬向上、震撼人心见长,因此,被大量的体育甚至政治场合借用。现在常用于各种体育赛事以弘扬体育精神。而且曾在世界国际歌霸被誉为“最佳摇滚乐”激励奖。
鼓手罗杰·泰勒(Roger Taylor)评价道:“在世界杯的决赛场上我听到大家在唱这首歌,那真的是太伟大了。”
低音吉他手约翰·迪肯(John Deacon)评价:“这是我们最好的作品之一。”
答《We Are the Champions》
歌曲曾在世界国际歌霸被誉为"最佳摇滚乐"激励奖,现在常用于各种体育赛事以弘扬体育精神,如今在各大体育赛事上,《We Are the Champions》这首歌都是必不可少激励运动员鼓舞人心的歌曲。
《We Will Rock You》
《We Will Rock You》曾作为1994年的美国世界杯主题曲,还在伦敦奥运会闭幕式上演奏过,在包括美国NBA等大量的体育赛事上都能听到这首歌曲。歌曲于2004年被《滚石》杂志评为历史上最伟大的500首歌曲之一。
对歌迷而言,恐怕再也找不到哪支歌曲比《We Will Rock You》更适合出现在体育赛场上了。当全场的灯光与观众都随着节奏而整齐变化时,你能感到的,只是摇滚乐所带来的无与伦比的震撼。
《Bohemian Rhapsody》
《波西米亚狂想曲》(Bohemian Rhapsody)这首歌不仅连续蝉联英国音乐排行榜榜首九周,更是在吉尼斯世界纪录大全中成为最受欢迎的英国热门单曲,被誉为摇滚史上的摇滚歌剧。
Freddie自己声称此曲只是随意的,压韵的胡言乱语,没什么深层次的含义。而乐团吉他手Brian May(布莱恩•梅)则相反的表示这首歌反映了Freddie的性格和对待人生的方法。