导读《reach》中文歌词Reach 登峰造极梦想,在天空中飞翔自由,总是我们的向往为了它就不惜一切,为了那许下的诺言努力地去实现我要把他变成我的一切我要努力更强,是触摸天空的荣耀从...




Reach 登峰造极























主题音乐《Summon the Heroes》,译为召唤英雄作者:John Williams And Boston Pops Orchestra







词曲:黛安·沃伦 & 格罗利娅·伊斯特芬


Some dreams live on in time forever

Those dreams, you want with all your heart

And I'll do whatever it takes

Follow through with the promise I madePut it all on the line

What I hoped for at last would be mine

If I could reach, higher

Just for one moment touch the sky

From that one moment in my life

I'm gonna be stronger

Know that I've tried my very best

I'd put my spirit to the test

If I could reach

Some days are meant to be remembered

Those days we rise above the stars

So I'll go the distance this time

Seeing more the higher I climb

That the more I believe

All the more that this dream will be mine

If I could reach, higher

Just for one moment touch the sky

From that one moment in my life

I'm gonna be stronger

Know that I've tried my very best

I'd put my spirit to the test

If I could reach

If I could reach, higherJust for one moment touch the sky

I'm goona be stronger

From that one moment in my life

I'm gonna be so much stronger yes I am

Know that I've tried my very best

I'd put my spirit to the test

If I could reach higher

If I could, If I could

If I could reach

Reach, I'd reach, I'd reach

I'd reach' I'd reach so much higher

Be stronger

闭开幕歌曲《The Power Of The Dream》








The Power of The Dream 梦想的力量

Deep within each heart 每人的内心深处

There lies a magic spark 都蕴藏着神奇的火花

That lights the fire of our imagination 它会点燃梦想的火

And since the dawn of man 自从人类之初

The strenght of just I can 那自信自强的力量

Has brought together people of all 就使不同种族的人们团结一心


There's nothing ordinary 所有的日子,所有的生命

In the living of each day 都有不平凡的魅力

There's a special part 所有的人们都会有不平凡的壮举

Every one of us will play

Feel the flame forever burn 看圣火生生不息

Teaching lessons we must learn 我们 应该 焕发火 一样 的生机

To bring us closer to the power 梦想的力量在汇聚

of the dream

As the world gives us its best 世界将其最珍贵的无私赐予

To stand apart from all the rest 使我们超然于纭纭万物

It is the power of the dream 更有梦想的力量使我们会聚在这里

That brings us here

Your mind will take you far 你有高远的意志

The rest is just pure heart 你有执着的精神

You'll find your fate is 命运就握在你自己手中

All your own creation

Every boy and girl 所有的孩子们啊

As they come into this world 当你们踏上这个星球

They bring the gift of hope and 梦想就带给你们希望和激励


Feel the flame forever burn 看圣火生生不息

Teaching lessons we must learn 我们应该焕发火一样的生机To bring us closer to the power of 梦想的力量在汇聚

the dream

The world unites in hope and peace 世界因希望与和平而和谐统一

We pray that it will always be 我们祈祷它永远这样美丽

It is the power of the dream 梦想的力量使我们会聚在这里

That brings us here

There's so much strength in all of us我们都拥有如此神奇的力量

Every woman child and man 所有的兄弟姐妹啊

It's the moment that you think 或许你此刻才发现

you can't

You'll discover that you can 那些可望不可即的梦如今就在手边

Feel the flame forever burn 看圣火生生不息

Teaching lessons we must learn 我们 应该焕发火一样的生机

To bring us closer to the power of 梦想的力量在汇聚

the dream

That brings us here

The faith in things unseen 无形无边的信念

The courage to embrace your fear 给你征服恐惧的勇气

No matter where you are 不管你身在何方

To reach for your own star 去摘取属于自己的那颗星吧

To realize the power of the dream 因为你有梦想的力量

奥运会宣传片歌曲《Return to innocence》





《Return to innocence》歌词:

Love - devotion/Feeling - emotion

Don't be afraid to be weak

Don't be too proud to be strong

Just look into your heart my friend

That will be the return to yourself

The return to innocence/The return to innocence

If you want, then start to laugh

If you must, then start to cry

Be yourself don't hide

Just believe in destiny

Don't care what people say

Just follow your own way

Don't give up and use the chance

Do return to innocence

That's not the beginning of the end

That's the return to yourself

The return to innocence

That's the return to innocence.



词曲:黛安•沃伦 & 格罗利娅•伊斯特芬


Some dreams live on in time forever

Those dreams, you want with all your heart

And I'll do whatever it takes

Follow through with the promise I made

Put it all on the line

What I hoped for at last would be mine

If I could reach, higher

Just for one moment touch the sky

From that one moment in my life

I'm gonna be stronger

Know that I've tried my very best

I'd put my spirit to the test

If I could reach

Some days are meant to be remembered

Those days we rise above the stars

So I'll go the distance this time

Seeing more the higher I climb

That the more I believe

All the more that this dream will be mine

If I could reach, higher

Just for one moment touch the sky

From that one moment in my life

I'm gonna be stronger

Know that I've tried my very best

I'd put my spirit to the test

If I could reach

If I could reach, higher

Just for one moment touch the sky

I'm goona be stronger

From that one moment in my life

I'm gonna be so much stronger yes I am

Know that I've tried my very best

I'd put my spirit to the test

If I could reach higher

If I could, If I could

If I could reach

Reach, I'd reach, I'd reach

I'd reach' I'd reach so much higher

Be stronger



The Power of The Dream 梦想的力量

Deep within each heart 每人的内心深处

There lies a magic spark 都蕴藏着神奇的火花

That lights the fire of our imagination 它会点燃梦想的火

And since the dawn of man 自从人类之初

The strenght of just "I can"那自信自强的力量

Has brought together people of all 就使不同种族的人们团结一心


There's nothing ordinary 所有的日子,所有的生命

In the living of each day 都有不平凡的魅力

There's a special part 所有的人们都会有不平凡的壮举

Every one of us will play

Feel the flame forever burn 看圣火生生不息

Teaching lessons we must learn我们应该焕发火一样的生机

To bring us closer to the power梦想的力量在汇聚

of the dream

As the world gives us its best 世界将其最珍贵的无私赐予

To stand apart from all the rest 使我们超然于纭纭万物

It is the power of the dream That brings us here更有梦想的力量使我们会聚在这里

Your mind will take you far 你有高远的意志

The rest is just pure heart 你有执着的精神

You'll find your fate is All your own creation命运就握在你自己手中

Every boy and girl 所有的孩子们啊

As they come into this world 当你们踏上这个星球

They bring the gift of hope and inspiration梦想就带给你们希望和激励

Feel the flame forever burn 看圣火生生不息

Teaching lessons we must learn 我们应该焕发火一样的生机

To bring us closer to the power of the dream梦想的力量在汇聚

The world unites in hope and peace 世界因希望与和平而和谐统一

We pray that it will always be 我们祈祷它永远这样美丽

It is the power of the dream That brings us here 梦想的力量使我们会聚在这里

There's so much strength in all of us我们都拥有如此神奇的力量

Every woman child and man 所有的兄弟姐妹啊

It's the moment that you think you can't或许你此刻才发现

You'll discover that you can 那些可望不可及的梦如今就在手边

Feel the flame forever burn 看圣火生生不息

Teaching lessons we must learn 我们应该焕发火一样的生机

To bring us closer to the power of the dream梦想的力量在汇聚

The world unites in hope and peace 世界因希望与和平而和谐统一

We pray that it will always be 我们祈祷它永远这样美丽

It is the power of the dream 梦想的力量使我们会聚在这里

That brings us here

The faith in things unseen 无形无边的信念

The courage to embrace your fear 给你征服恐惧的勇气

No matter where you are不管你身在何方

To reach for your own star 去摘取属于自己的那颗星吧

To realize the power of the dream 因为你有梦想的力量

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