- 1、有关世界杯的英语
- 2、篮球世界杯和NBA的规则,场地有什么不同
- 3、世界杯足球赛的有关英语知识
- 4、卡塔尔世界杯英语介绍
- 5、世界杯相关英语
- 6、·急求个关于世界杯的英语简介,要简单,短,初中生看的懂的

优质回答red card 红牌
yellow card 黄牌
The goal is disallowed. 进球无效。
foul 犯规
goal kick 球门球
hand ball 手球
header 头球
penalty kick 点球
fair charge 合理冲撞
close-marking defence 盯人防守
deceptive movement 假动作
to shoot 射门
mishit 未射中
offside 越位
to pass the ball 传球
to break through 带球过人
to set a wall 筑人墙
hat trick 帽子戏法
time wasting tactics 拖延战术
cheering squad 拉拉队
locker room (运动员)休息室、更衣室
nation team 国家队
coach 教练
Stop holding. 不许拉人。
Stop pushing. 不许推人。
Don't hold up the game.不要延误时间。
match fixing 非法操纵比赛
elimination match ,knock-out 淘汰赛
competition rules 比赛规则
close watch 紧盯人战术)
protest 对不公平裁判的抗议
offside 越位
first(second )half 上(下) 半场
overhead throw 过顶掷球
indicator, score board 记分牌
sliding tackle 铲球
kick off 开球
sellout 球票卖完
free kick 任意球
throw in 掷界外球
wall 人墙
riot 球场骚乱
corner kick 角球
handclap 鼓掌
yell 观众的喊声
hat-trick 帽子戏法
draw 平局
direct(indirect)kick 直接(间接)球
eighth-finals 八分之一决赛
semi-final 半决赛
quarterfinal 四分之一决赛
first round 第一轮
one-sided game 一边倒的比赛
round-robin 循环赛
competition regulations 比赛条例
doping test 药检
disqualification 取消比赛资格
draw,sortition 抽签
sportsmanship 运动员的道德风格
overhead kick 倒勾球
match ban 禁赛命令
relegation 降级
ranking 排名,名次
grouping 分组
schedule 比赛日程
heading 顶球
half time 中场休息
stopping 停球
kick-out 踢出界
sending-off 罚下场
place kick 定位球
pass 传球
优质回答篮球世界杯(英语:FIBA Basketball World Cup)是国际篮球联合会主办的世界最高水平的国家队级篮球赛事,每四年举办一次。篮球世界杯的前身是从1950年开始举办的世界男子篮球锦标赛。世界男子篮球锦标赛是国际篮球联合会举办的国际性的篮球赛事。该赛事从1950年开始,历届比赛某些情况下间隔时间不同,一般是每四年一届。从1986年起,男子和女子的比赛都在同一年进行,也都按照四年一届的时间举行。
NBA(National Basketball Association)是美国男子职业篮球联赛的简称,于1946年6月6日在纽约成立,由北美三十支队伍组成的男子职业篮球联盟,汇集世界上最顶级的球员,是美国四大职业体育联盟之一。
field / pitch 足球场
midfield 中场
backfield 后场
kickoff circle / center circle 中圈
halfway line 中线
touchline / sideline 边线
goal line 球门线
end line 底线
penalty mark (点球)罚球点
penalty area 禁区(罚球区)
goal area 小禁区(球门区)
coach 教练
head coach 主教练
football player 足球运动员
referee 裁判
lineman 巡边员
captain / leader 队长
forward / striker 前锋
midfielder 前卫
left midfielder 左前卫
right midfielder 右前卫
attacking midfielder 攻击型前卫(前腰)
defending midfielder 防守型前卫(后腰)
center forward 中锋
full back 后卫
center back 中后卫
left back 左后卫
right back 右后卫
sweeper 清道夫,拖后中卫
goalkeeper / goalie 守门员
cheer team 拉拉队
kick-off 开球
bicycle kick / overhead kick 倒钩球
chest-high ball 半高球
corner ball / corner 角球
goal kick 球门球
handball 手球
header 头球
penalty kick 点球
place kick 定位球
own goal 乌龙球
hat-trick 帽子戏法
free kick 任意球
direct free kick 直接任意球
indirect free kick 间接任意球
stopping 停球
chesting 胸部停球
pass 传球
short pass 短传
long pass 长传
cross pass 横传
spot pass 球传到位
consecutive passes 连续传球
take a pass 接球
triangular pass 三角传球
flank pass 边线传球
lobbing pass 高吊传球
volley pass 凌空传球
slide tackle 铲球
rolling pass / ground pass 地滚球
flying header 跳起顶球
clearance kick 解围
shoot 射门
close-range shot 近射
long shot 远射
offside 越位
throw-in 掷界外球
block tackle 正面抢截
body check 阻挡
fair charge 合理冲撞
diving header 鱼跃顶球
dribbling 盘球,带球
clean catching (守门员)接高球
finger-tip save (守门员)托救球
offside 越位
deceptive movement 假动作
break through 突破
kick-out 踢出界
set the pace 掌握进攻节奏
ward off an assault 击退一次攻势
break up an attack 破坏一次攻势
disorganize the defence 搅乱防守
total football 全攻全守足球战术
open football 拉开的足球战术
off-side trap 越位战术
wing play 边锋战术
time wasting tactics 拖延战术
4-3-3 formation 433阵型
4-4-2 formation 442阵型
beat the offside trap 反越位成功
foul 犯规
technical foul 技术犯规
break loose 摆脱
control the midfield 控制中场
set a wall 筑人墙
close-marking defence 盯人防守
half-time interval 中场休息
round robin 循环赛
group round robin 小组循环赛
extra time 加时赛
elimination match 淘汰赛
injury time 伤停补时
golden goal / sudden death 金球制,突然死亡法
eighth-final 八分之一决赛
quarterfinal 四分之一决赛
semi-final 半决赛
final match 决赛
preliminary match 预赛
one-sided game 一边倒的比赛
competition regulations 比赛条例
disqualification 取消比赛资格
match ban 禁赛命令
doping test 药检
draw / sortition 抽签
send a player off 判罚出场
red card 红牌
yellow card 黄牌
goal 球门,进球数
draw 平局
goal drought 进球荒
ranking 排名(名次)
“Hat-trick”意为:帽子戏法。特指在一场比赛中连进3球。这个词源于19世纪70年代在英国广为流行的板球比赛。在板球比赛中,如果一名投球手连续投出3个好球而将对方3名球员淘汰出局,他通常会得到一顶新帽子作为奖品,这就是“hat trick”的来历。
现在“hat trick”的应用范围已不限于体育领域,人们还用它来形容任何连续3次的成功。尤以足球比赛最为常见。
帽子戏法是英文Hat-trick的意译,起源于板球比赛。队员使用的球拍是一块木板,打的是红皮小球。自有板球以来,凡进板球场观赛的球迷都严格遵守着一条规矩:一迈进球场大门便须脱帽,这意味着对球场上所有球员、裁判和观众的尊重。在这里,帽子就代表了尊重。 一般说来,板球投手能用连续3个球得分,是件相当牛的事。早在19世纪,板球俱乐部碰到这样牛的事,便授予那个投手一顶帽子,作为一种至上的荣誉象征,而且观看比赛的观众也会脱下帽子向选手致意。这叫叫作”帽子戏法”,简言之,帽子戏法的本意就是板球手连续用3个球得分而获得一顶帽子鼓励的游戏啦!
现在,在体育竞赛场合,如果有独中三元的表现,就叫做“帽子戏法”。 帽子戏法,足球用语。专指在一场比赛中,一名队员踢进对方球门三个球。帽子戏法源于刘易斯.卡洛尔的童话《爱丽斯漫游奇境记》。书中说到一位制帽匠能够出神入化地用帽子变戏。后来,英国板球协会借用其意,给连续三次击中门柱或横木、使对方3人出局的每个投手奖帽子一顶,以显示其出神入化的投球技巧,这便是板球的“帽子戏法”。后来,“帽子戏法”被引用到足球比赛中,其具体含意就是“在一场比赛中,一名队员踢进对方球门三个球”。“帽子戏法”的说法,在我国流行较晚,大约始于中译本《贝利自传》的问世。在1958年“世界杯”巴西对法国的半决赛中,贝利一人连入三球,淘汰了法国队,《贝利自传》将此次辉煌辟为一章节,题目就叫“帽子戏法”。
乌龙球”是足球中一个很常见的说法,意思谁都知道。从语言的角度说,其来历大约是这样的:英语“own goal”(自进本方球门的球)与粤语的“乌龙”一词发音发音相近,而粤语“乌龙”有“搞错、乌里巴涂”等意思,大约在上个世纪六、七十年代,香港记者便在报道中以“乌龙”来翻译“own goal”。
优质回答卡塔尔世界杯一般指2022年卡塔尔世界杯。 2022年卡塔尔世界杯(英语:FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022,阿拉伯语:كأس العالم لكرة القدم ٢٠٢٢)是第22届国际足联世界杯。卡塔尔世界杯英语介绍:
The Qatar World Cup 2022 is the 22nd FIFA World Cup.The tournament will be held in eight stadiums in Qatar from November 20 to December 18,2022.It is the first World Cup football match held in Qatar and the Middle East countries in history,and the second World Cup football match held in Asia.
The Qatar World Cup is also the first World Cup football match held in winter in the northern hemisphere and held by a country that has never entered the World Cup finals.32 teams participated in the tournament.
On November 21,2022,the opening ceremony and opening battle of the World Cup will be held at the Gulf Stadium,with the host Qatar losing 0-2 to Ecuador;On December 18,the closing ceremony and final of the World Cup were held in Lusail Stadium.In the final.
Argentina won the World Cup through penalty shootout,and France and Croatia won the second and third place respectively.Lionel Messi of Argentina won the Golden Globe Award of the World Cup;Kilian Mbape of France won the Golden Boot Award of the World Cup.
Emiliano Martinez of Argentina won the Golden Glove Award of the World Cup;Enzo Fernandez of Argentina won the Best Young Player of the World Cup.Harry Kane,Bruno Fernandez,Antoine Grezman,Ivan Pericic and Lionel Messi won the assists together.
优质回答世界杯相关英语有:小组赛group game、淘汰赛knockout round、循环赛round robin、四分之一决赛quarter final、半决赛semi-final等。
世界杯相关英语:小组赛group game、淘汰赛knockout round、循环赛round robin、四分之一决赛quarter final、半决赛semi-final、决赛final、客场队 visiting team/ away team、主场队 home team、假摔 diving、越位 offside、点球,也就是十二码罚球 penalty kick、倒挂金钩 bicycle kick、掷界外球 throw-in。
football widow:“足球寡妇”,是对世界杯期间受到老公冷落的女性的诙谐的称呼。
injury time:“黄油手”,指笨手笨脚、手里拿东西很容易掉的人。
1、I just can't believe it. They lost the game!
2、Better players are better at avoiding offside.
3、Nice shot! Great pass!
4、I think they were not using the right tactics and formations。
5、It is scheduled to take place in Russia from 14 June to 15 July 2018, and a total of 64 matches will be played in 12 venues located in 11 cities.
优质回答The FIFA World Cup (often called the Football World Cup, Soccer World Cup or simply the World Cup) is the most important competition in international soccer (football). The world's most representative team sport event, the World Cup is contested by the men's national football teams of Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) (the sport's largest governing body) member nations. The championship has been awarded every four years since the first tournament in 1930 (except in 1942 and 1946 due to World War II). However, it is more of an ongoing event as the qualifying rounds of the competition take place over the three years preceding the final rounds.
The final tournament phase (often called the "Finals") involves 32 national teams competing over a four-week period in a previously nominated host nation, with these games making it the most widely-viewed sporting event in the world. In the 17 tournaments held, only seven nations have ever won the World Cup Finals. Brazil is the current holder, as well as the most successful World Cup team, having won the tournament five times, while Germany and Italy follow with three titles each. The next football World Cup Finals will be held in Germany between June 9 and July 9, 2006.
With five victories out of its seven appearances in the final match, Brazil is the most successful World Cup team. It is also the only nation to have participated in every World Cup Finals tournament so far.
At the continental level, South America narrowly leads Europe with nine titles to eight. Brazil and Germany are tied for most appearances in the final match with 7 (Brazil has won 5; Germany has won 3). Brazil and Italy were finalists each challenging for their 3rd cup in 1970 and for their 4th cup in 1994. In both matches, Brazil won.