
最佳答案额,挺难的In 2000, messi to joinFc Barcelona.In 2005, Argentina's youth team winThe podiumTitle Double awards, messi won the golden ball and the golden boot .On April 18, 2007, Lionel messi in the king's cup semi-final against getafe replicationmaradonaEven after five goals in the World Cup.The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, messi with the Argentina team won the gold medal.At the end of 2009, he was electedThe European footballer of the yearandThe world footballer of the year.Messi led the team to win la liga, 2008-2009 season, the king's cup and the champions league title.In 2011, Lionel messi won the firstFIFA golden ballAnd also won the uefa European player.In 2013, he was third with 46 league goals for EuropeGolden bootThe cup.In 2014, Lionel messi with Argentina to attendThe Brazilian World Cup 2014。 In 2014,The Brazilian World Cup, won the World Cup runners-up 。
2000年,梅西加入巴塞罗那俱乐部。2005年,阿根廷青年队夺取世青赛冠军 ,梅西赢得了金球和金靴双项大奖 。2007年4月18日,梅西在国王杯半决赛对赫塔菲时复制了马拉多纳在世界杯上的连过五人进球。2008年北京奥运会上,梅西随阿根廷国奥队夺取了金牌。2009年底,他当选了欧洲足球先生和世界足球先生。梅西2008-2009赛季率领球队连夺西甲、国王杯和欧冠三个冠军。2011年,梅西荣膺首届国际足联金球奖,还获得了欧足联欧洲最佳球员。2013年,他以46粒联赛进球的成绩第三次获得欧洲金靴奖奖杯。2014年,梅西随阿根廷队参加2014巴西世界杯。 2014年巴西世界杯上,获得世界杯亚军。