导读法国足球队英文名最佳答案Paris Saint Germain巴黎圣日耳曼足球俱乐部(Paris Saint-Germain F.C.,缩写PSG,简称巴黎或大巴黎),是一家位于法国首都巴黎的足球俱乐部,成立于1970年,现参加法...




最佳答案Paris Saint Germain巴黎圣日耳曼足球俱乐部(Paris Saint-Germain F.C.,缩写PSG,简称巴黎或大巴黎),是一家位于法国首都巴黎的足球俱乐部,成立于1970年,现参加法国足球甲级联赛,主场是王子公园球场。



Football in France

Football is the most popular sport in France . 该联合会法语足球是国家管理机构和负责的专业和业余监督所有足球方面的游戏在国内,无论是。 The Fédération Française de Football is the national governing body and is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the game of football in the country, both professional and amateur. 该联合会举办的法国跑车 ,是负责任命管理的男子 , 妇女和青年队在法国国家足球队。 The federation organizes the Coupe de France and is responsible for appointing the management of the men's , women's and youth national football teams in France. 该联合会给出了责任法甲联赛和法甲2到法甲足球Professionnel谁负责,组织和管理国家的联赛的前两名。 The federation gives responsibility of Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 to the Ligue de Football Professionnel who oversee, organize, and manage the country's top two leagues. 在磷酸锂铁也是负责组织跑车德拉法甲 ,该国的联赛杯比赛。 The LFP is also responsible for organizing the Coupe de la Ligue , the country's league cup competition. 法国足协也负责监督海外省和海外领地和主机足球俱乐部联赛的AS摩纳哥 ,是俱乐部从主权独立的国家摩纳哥 。 The French Football Federation also supervises the overseas departments and territories leagues and hosts football club AS Monaco , a club from the independent sovereign state of Monaco . 2006年,足协已经2143688许可证,超过1850836登记注册的俱乐部球员和18194。 [1] In 2006, the FFF had 2,143,688 licenses, with over 1,850,836 registered players and 18,194 registered clubs. [ 1 ]

第一个足球俱乐部被介绍给法国在1863年由英国的移民报纸文章中所描述的苏格兰人 ,其中指出:“数字生活在巴黎的英国绅士,最近举办了一个足球俱乐部.足球比赛中需要的地方布洛涅,由当局许可的和惊奇的法国惊人。“ [2]现代足球是由英国水兵于1872年在九个发挥晚年勒阿弗尔于1872年。 [3] The first football club was introduced to France in 1863 by British immigrants as described in a newspaper article by The Scotsman , which stated "A number of English gentlemen living in Paris have lately organised a football club. The football contests take place in the Bois de Boulogne, by permission of the authorities and surprise the French amazingly." [ 2 ] Modern football was introduced nine years later in 1872 by English sailors playing in Le Havre in 1872.
