导读上海申花队歌?优质回答《蓝色荣耀》 词:朱骏 曲:彭程 穿过载满荣誉的路 穿过蓝色的雨 穿过球场中的欢呼 穿过胜利弧度 我们把心灵寄托交给你 换来奇迹无数 我们把崇敬激情献给...




优质回答《蓝色荣耀》 词:朱骏 曲:彭程 穿过载满荣誉的路 穿过蓝色的雨 穿过球场中的欢呼 穿过胜利弧度 我们把心灵寄托交给你 换来奇迹无数 我们把崇敬激情献给你 桂冠永恒专注 穿过绿茵场的严酷 穿过荆棘满路 穿过对手们的嫉妒 穿过沸腾温度 我们把欢乐悲伤留给你 做你忠实拥护 我们用呐喊疯狂跟随你 战斗从不停步 OLE申花 OLE申花 蓝色的血在流淌 奔向胜利的方向 OLE申花 OLE申花 战斗号角已吹响 踏定前进的步伐 OLE申花 OLE申花 蓝色的血在流淌 奔向冠军的方向 OLE申花 OLE申花 城市的尊严荣耀 捍卫我们的信仰


优质回答Push Play (feat. Miriam Bryant) - Zedd

With my words, across your face,

you're making up stories of your own.

Little bits of white paper,

in pockets deeper than you know.

You painted black upon the whitest lies

you've seen them fall, you have seen them rise,

you painted black upon the whitest lies, lies, your lies.

Push play, stop rewind

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Push play, stop rewind,

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Push play, stop rewind

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Push play, stop rewind.

You painted black upon the whitest lies

you've seen them fall, you have seen them rise,

you painted black upon the whitest lies, lies, your lies.

Push play, stop rewind

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Push play, stop rewind,

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Close enough to see your hands - sneaking out of these,(his) embrace

Paper thin, whispering, breaking in

You painted black upon the whitest lies

you've seen them fall, you have seen them rise,

you painted black upon the whitest lies, lies, your lies.

Push play, stop rewind

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Push play, stop rewind,

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Push play, stop rewind

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Push play, stop rewind,

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Push play, stop rewind

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Push play, stop rewind,


优质回答广州恒大 《广州队》

广州富力 《蓝血战歌》

江苏苏宁 《拼出精彩》

上海上港 《势不可挡》


北京国安 《国安永远争第一》

河北华夏幸福 《我们是华夏幸福人》

重庆力帆 《力帆!雄起!》

延边富德 《助威歌》

天津泰达 《永远进攻》

辽宁宏远 《好汉辽宁》



山东鲁能 《橘红色的火焰》

天津权健 《为梦出发》

贵州智诚 《胜利在望》
