导读西甲主题曲优质回答西甲主题曲是《A Special kind of hero》发行时间:1986年演唱:Stephanie Lawrenc。歌词:Living for a very special signTelling of a very special timeLiving just a chance to stay the playIn a very d...




优质回答西甲主题曲是《A Special kind of hero》


演唱:Stephanie Lawrenc。


Living for a very special sign

Telling of a very special time

Living just a chance to stay the play

In a very different kind of game

Just one chance to be held on high

Or be down


Tearful sounds and joyful song

Reaching for the hands of love

Hoping to be put above

My friend, to be a special kind of hero

My new fun game, to be a special kind of hero

I need you, need you with me

My hero, how you

Feelings I cannot explain

What feeds for my pain

Capturing moments in time

That no world can ever replace

Forever suspended in space

Moments of a very special kind

Immortalize an aspect of the mind

Moving pass limits of those of us

Guiden by the flow

Into places never seen before

Where I can be a certain kind

I want to a hero in my mind

With a very special from the fun

In very special moments of my life.


优质回答FIFA ANTHEM (FIFA HYMN)—— 国际足联公平竞赛曲(国际A级赛事入场曲) 国际A级足球赛事入场歌曲。FIFA ANTHEM第一次出现是在1994年的美国世界杯上,而从那之后几乎所有的重大国际比赛和正式的国际比赛球员入场时,都采用这首音乐。此外,在国际足联的一些颁奖仪式和正式场合也都会采用这首音乐。每当这首音乐响起的时候,就意味着一场精彩的比赛即将开始;而当进行世界杯这种重大比赛的时候,这首音乐的响起更意味着一场激动人心的比赛即将到来。
