
成就名称 成就点数
1. 第一场胜利 ---- 10
2. 取得十连胜 ---- 25
3. 逆转取胜 ---- 15
4. 加时攻入制胜球 ---- 10
5. 使用所有球场 ---- 20
6. 最近10场比赛犯规场均少于1次 ---- 20
7. 最近10场比赛控球率场均高于60% ----25
8. 上演5个帽子戏法 ---- 35
9. 20场比赛场均2球,并且近5场都有进球 ---- 40
10. 罚入5个直接任意球 ---- 40
11. 取得35米开外进球 ---- 50
12. 取得ML模式冠军 ----- 15
13. 在ML模式中欧冠联赛进入16强 ----- 20
14. 在ML模式中取得欧冠冠军 ----- 30
15. 在ML模式中赢得KONAMI CUP (?) ---- 80
16. 赛季大满贯(ML冠军,杯赛冠军,欧冠冠军) ---- 90
17. ML模式中俱乐部排名第一 ---- 50
18. ML模式中,你的队友获得欧洲足球先生 ---- 70
19. ML模式中,有球员连续效力10年 ---- 50
20. BAL模式首次登场 ---- 10
21. BAL模式中世界杯登场 ---- 15
22. BAL模式中获得世界杯最佳球员 ---- 30
23. BAL模式中为4个国家的10个俱乐部效力 ---- 40
24. BAL模式中同时获得欧洲足球先生和世界足球先生 ---- 50
25. 网战模式获得RANK MATCH 5场胜利 ---- 20
26. 网战模式中,在近20场比赛取得超过75%的胜率 ---- 30
27. 欧冠模式小组出线 ---- 40
28. 欧冠模式取得冠军 ---- 70
First Glory(首胜) Awarded for your first win(赢得第一场胜利) 10G
Winning Streak(连胜势头) Awarded for winning 10 consecutive matches(取得十连胜) 25G
Come From Behind(神奇逆转) A title awarded when you come from behind and win(在比赛中通过逆转的分) 10G
Last-minute Win(终极绝杀) A title awarded when you score the winning goal in extra time(在加时赛中进球并赢得比赛) 10G
World Tour(世界之旅) Awarded for playing at all the stadiums(在所有的体育场都参加过比赛) 15G
Gentleman(文明竞赛) Awarded by giving away less fouls(在比赛中减少犯规) 20G
Possession Play(绝对控制) Awarded by increasing ball possession(在比赛中保持一定控球率) 15G
Hat-trick Hero(帽子戏法) Awarded by scoring many hat-tricks(完成一次帽子戏法) 15G
Ace Striker(头号射手) Awarded by scoring many goals(一场比赛中多进球) 15G
FK specialist(精准弧线) Awarded by scoring many free-kicks(用任意球破门得分) 15G
Long Ranger(精确制导) A title awarded when you score from 35m or more(35米以外射门得分) 15G
Goal Getter(万炮轰门) Awarded for scoring 100 goals(进球总数达到100) 15G
100 Matches(身经百战) Awarded for playing 100 matches(参赛场次总计100场) 15G
100 Wins(百战百胜) Awarded for winning 100 matches(胜利场次总计100场) 25G
100 Clean Sheets(固若金汤) A title awarded when you keep 100 clean sheets(零失球场次总计100场) 25G
English League(英超联赛) Awarded for beating all English League teams(击败所有英超球队) 15G
Ligue 1(法甲联赛) Awarded for beating all Ligue 1 teams(击败所有法甲球队) 15G
Italian League(意甲) Awarded for beating all Italian League teams(击败所有意甲球队) 15G
Eredivisie(荷甲联赛) Awarded for beating all Eredivisie teams(击败所有荷甲球队) 15G
Spanish League(西甲联赛) Awarded for beating all Spanish League teams(击败所有西甲球队) 15G
National Teams(世界第一) Awarded for beating all the national teams(击败所有国家队) 15G
Top League Promotion(黑马杀到) A title awarded when you are promoted to D1 in the Master League(大师赛中升至甲级球队) 10G
League Title(新晋冠军) A title awarded when you win the D1 League in the Master League(大师联赛中获得甲级联赛冠军) 15G
Conquered Europe(一统欧洲) A title awarded when you win the Master League European Championship(大师赛中获得欧洲杯冠军) 20G
Perfect Season(不败金身) Awarded after the best "Master League" season(在大师赛中达到最佳赛季) 50G
Pro Debut(处子秀) A title awarded when you make your Become a Legend pro debut(在一球成名模式中 第一次出现在赛场上) 10G
1st Pro Goal(首粒进球) Awarded by scoring a goal in Become a Legend(在一球成名模式中 第一次进球) 10G
1st Pro Man of the Match(全场最佳) Awarded by receiving a Man of the Match award in Become a Legend(在一球成名模式中 第一次获得全场最佳) 10G
Super Sub(超级替补) Awarded by playing well as Super Sub in Become a Legend(在一球成名模式中以替补身份上场) 10G
International Debut(国际大赛) A title awarded when you make your international debut in Become a Legend(在一球成名模式中第一次参加国际赛事) 10G
International Cup Debut(世界杯处子秀) A title awarded when you play in the Become a Legend International Cup(在一球成名模式中 第一次参加世界杯) 15G
International Cup MVP(国际声望) Awarded by playing well in Become a Legend's International Cup(在一球成名模式中在世界杯中表现抢眼) 15G
100 Goals(射手) A title awarded when you score 100 goals in Become a Legend(在一球成名模式中进球数达到100个) 15G
200 Goals(传奇射手) A title awarded when you score 200 goals in Become a Legend(在一球成名模式中进球数达到200个) 20G
Wanderer(摇摆人) Awarded by playing for many teams in Become a Legend(在一球成名模式中在众多俱乐部中效力) 10G
International Titles(为国争光) Awarded by playing well for your national team in Become a Legend(在一球成名模式中为自己的国家队效力) 20G
Club Titles(俱乐部的荣耀) Awarded by playing well for club in Become a Legend(在一球成名模式中为一只俱乐部效力) 20G
All Titles(名人堂) Awarded for acquiring all titles in Become a Legend(在一球成名模式中获得所有头衔) 50G
Winning Streak (连胜势头) Awarded when you have 5 successive Ranked match wins in the Network(在线上比赛中取得5连胜) 20G
High Win Ratio (高胜率) Awarded by increasing your Network win ratio(在线上比赛中有很高胜率) 30G
Hat-trick (帽子戏法) Awarded when you score a hat-trick in a Network Ranked match(在线上比赛中完成一次帽子戏法) 15G
Legends Debut(经典传奇) A title awarded when a player created in Become a Legend plays in a Legends match(在一球成名模式中自创球员出现在经典比赛中) 10G
Best combination(最佳组合) Awarded when Legends Best combination reaches 3000 points(在一球成名模式中 各种得分超过3000) 10G
Combination Goal(区域配合) A title awarded when you score a goal involving 4 users in Legends(在一球成名模式中 四名自创球员在场的情况下打进一球) 20G
Total Combination(高分记录) Awarded when Legends Total Combination reaches 30000 points(在一球成名模式中 各种得分超过3000) 25G
Legends Master(一球成名) A title awarded when you play with 100 users in Legends(在一球成名模式中 自创100名球员并完成模式) 50G
UEFA Champions League Debut(欧冠处子秀) A title awarded when you play for the first time in UEFA Champions League(第一次出现在欧冠赛场上) 10G
Through the Group League(小组出线) A title awarded when you advance through the group league in UEFA Champions League(你所在的球队在欧冠预选赛中小组出线) 15G
European Champions(欧洲最牛俱乐部) A title awarded when you win the UEFA Champions League(获得欧冠冠军) 50G
5 Hall of Famers (100)
在生涯模式(Career Mode)让5名选手进入名人堂
A brawl to end them all (30)
赢得更衣室大战(Locker Room Brawl)和后台大战(Backstage Brawl)
A year in the life (100)
完成一整年的生涯模式(Career Mode)并且不能跳过任何比赛
Bonus Collector (150)
获得摔角狂热之路(Road to WrestleMania)的所有Bonus
Cena Story (20)
完成John Cena的摔角狂热之路(Road to WrestleMania)
Chris Jericho Story (20)
完成Chris Jericho的摔角狂热之路(Road to WrestleMania)
Undertaker Story (20)
完成Undertaker的摔角狂热之路(Road to WrestleMania)
Triple H Story (40)
完成Triple H 的摔角狂热之路(Road to WrestleMania)
Mysterio & Batista Story (40)
完成Batista和Rey Mysterio的摔角狂热之路(Road to WrestleMania)
Congrats are in order (10)
赢得一场表演赛(Exhibition match)
Create A Finisher (10)
Gold Rush (60)
在生涯模式(Career Mode)赢得所有WWE腰带(每条赢过一次即可,不必同时持有)
Smokin' (20)
在地狱火大战(Inferno Match)击败Kane
Unstoppable (60)
使用自创人物在生涯模式(Career Mode)获得6项特殊能力
Hot Tag (30)
在双打比赛中使用Hot Tag获得胜利
Lights,Camera,Action! (30)
自创一个WWE highlight reel
5 Stars (60)
在生涯模式(Career Mode)打出一场五星级的比赛
The end of the road (200)
完成所有人的摔角狂热之路(Road to WrestleMania)