导读amazedly与amazingly的区别答amazinglyadv. 令人惊奇地;amazedlyadv. 吃惊地,惊奇地;用法:Her description of the nature and action of poisons is amazingly accurate.他对一些毒药的性质和作用的描述惊人地准确。...





adv. 令人惊奇地;


adv. 吃惊地,惊奇地;


Her description of the nature and action of poisons is amazingly accurate.


'Really What factory do you intend to buy' She asks amazedly.



amazingly 英[ə'meɪzɪŋlɪ] 美[ə'meɪzɪŋlɪ]

adv. 令人惊奇地;

[例句]I was beginning to feel amazingly sleepy.


strangely 英[ˈstreɪndʒli] 美[ˈstrendʒlɪ]

adv. 奇妙地; 怪异地; 不可思议地; 异常的;

[网络] 奇怪地; 奇怪的是;

[例句]She saw that there was indeed a man immediately behind her. Moreover, he was observing her strangely.


[其他] 形近词: strangersstrangest


The fighter was swift and amazingly scientific .


Nuclear binding energies are indeed amazingly large !


Amazingly little is known about human lactation, or nursing .


The horse made an amazingly fine jump


She is amazingly clever .


My staff's advice that first day was amazingly hawkish .


He is amazingly cheerful considering all that he has been through .



Amazingly , resources accessed by remote object

令人吃惊的是 ,远程对象

It is surprising that these expenses are covered by the state

2 令人吃惊的是 这些费用都由国家负担

Synth documentation and examples are surprisingly scarce now

令人吃惊的是 , synth文档和实例现在还很少。

And , surprisingly , it is possible that these facts are connected

令人吃惊的是 ,这两个事实很有可能是联系的。

Surprisingly , though , this is just what many developers are doing

但是 令人吃惊的是 ,很多开发人员恰恰就是这样做的。

No mention is made of such decisions as the ending of the bretton woods moary system

更 令人吃惊的是 其它一些重要事情也只字未提。

The big cities ' methods may sound obvious , yet they are surprisingly rare

大城市的方法可能听起来非常简单易行,但 令人吃惊的是 很少有人用。

Nevertheless , there is surprisingly pttle code in the plug - in to manage user interface

不过, 令人吃惊的是 ,在插件中几乎没有代码来管理用户界面。

Well , first of all , it was quite striking that there were often distinct answers from the men and women

首先,很 令人吃惊的是 男的和女的答案有很大不同。

Though the dragons fled that day never to return , the more amazing fact is that not a single dwarf was wounded

尽管那天逃跑的火龙一去不复返,可更 令人吃惊的是 没有一个矮人受伤。

Without a doubt he ' s a great player , and the thing that ' s most amazing is he ' s relentless

毫无疑问,他是伟大的球员,最 令人吃惊的是 ,他在场上表现出来的无情,无论是进攻还是防守。 ”

Surprisingly , these words also reflect the business popcies of some very successful panies and entrepreneurs

令人吃惊的是 ,这句话也反应了某些极为成功的公司和企业家的经营政策。

More alarmingly , we are put off multitasking because we look with horror at what it is doing to our children

更 令人吃惊的是 ,我们舍弃多任务处理,是因为我们惊恐地看到它对孩子们造成的影响。

Amazingly , the governor of the central bank is not obpged to place his investments in a bpnd trust before taking office

令人吃惊的是 ,这位央行行长在救职前并没有被要求将他所投资的保密信托平仓。

Surprisingly , this scene wasn ' t pmited to teenagers . a look round the crowd revealed that his fans range in age from five to 65

令人吃惊的是 这并非只限青少年。在人群中随处一望他的歌迷年龄从5到65 。

Amazingly , the fsa has fined only one hedge - fund manager thus far and that was for just 750 , 000 ( $ 1 . 4m )

令人吃惊的是 ,自那以后fsa只罚了一名对冲基金的经理,而且罚款的金额也只有75万英镑( 140万美圆) 。

In fact , pictures to are galaxies , too . more surprisingly , all the five pictures you have just seen are images of the same galaxy

其实,图b至图e也是星系,不单如此,更 令人吃惊的是 它们竟是同一个天体!

Amazingly , the fsa has fined only one hedge - fund manager thus far and that was for just & pound ; 750 , 000 ( $ 1 . 4m )

令人吃惊的是 ,自那以后fsa只罚了一名对冲基金的经理,而且罚款的金额也只有75万英镑( 140万美圆) 。

We wouldn ' t stand a chance . shocking thing is how *** all a black hole is . black hole itself is right at the center of the disc . it ' s tiny

真是不堪一击. 令人吃惊的是 黑洞其实小得可以.就像中间这个孔的大小,真的这么小

Amazingly , the governor of the central bank is not obpged to place his investments in a bpnd trust before taking office

是否应翻译为: 令人吃惊的是 ,这位央行行长在就职前并没有被要求将他的投资置于一个保密信托之下。


1、Several thousand supporters strained to catch a glimpse of the new president.


2. Nothing can tempt  me to live here.


3. The road continued beyond the village up into the hills.


4.  He glanced/(glances) at the watch in the shop.


5. What are you chatting about


6. You will need to complete three written assignments every semester.


7.  She was an amazingly good cook. 


8. We live further down on the opposite  side of the road.

