导读'美猴王"的英文介绍答Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King, is a main character in the Chinese classical novel Journey to the West. Sun Wukong is also found in many later stories and adaptations. In the novel, he is a mo...




Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King, is a main character in the Chinese classical novel Journey to the West. Sun Wukong is also found in many later stories and adaptations. In the novel, he is a monkey born from a stone who acquires supernatural powers through Taoist practices. After rebelling against heaven and being imprisoned under a mountain by the Buddha, he later accompanies the monk Xuanzang on a journey to retrieve Buddhist sutras from India.

Sun Wukong possesses an immense amount of strength; he is able to lift his 13,500 jīn (7,960 kilograms (17,550 lb)) staff with ease. He is also extremely fast, able to travel 108,000 li (54,000 kilometres (34,000 mi)) in one somersault. Sun knows 72 transformations, which allow him to transform into various animals and objects; however, he is troubled in transforming into other forms, due to the accompanying incomplete transformation of his tail. Sun Wukong is a skilled fighter, capable of holding his own against the best warriors of heaven. Also, each of his hairs possess magical properties, capable of being transformed into clones of the Monkey King himself, and/or into various weapons, animals, and other objects. He also knows spells that can command wind, part water, conjure protective circles against demons, and freeze humans, demons, and gods alike.[1]

One of the most enduring Chinese literary characters, Sun Wukong has a varied background and colorful cultural history. For example, Sun Wukong is considered by some scholars to be influenced by both the Hindu deity Hanuman from the Ramayana and elements of Chinese folklore.



玄奘 / 唐三藏

英语里称他为 Tripitaka 或者 Xuanzang

美猴王 / 孙悟空

英语里称他为 Moneky King 或者 Sun Wukong

猪八戒 / 猪悟能

英语里称他为 Pigsy、Monk Pig 或者 Zhu Bajie

沙僧 / 沙悟净

英语里称他为 Friar Sand 或者 Sandy


西游记:Journey to the West

花果山:Mountain of Flower and Fruit

水帘洞:Water Curtain Cave

南天门:Southern Gate of Heaven

灵霄殿:Hall of Miraculous Mist

离恨天:Thirty-Third Heaven

兜率宫:Tushita Palace

丹房:Elixir Pill Room

蟠桃园:Peach Garden

蟠桃胜会:Peach Banquet

瑶池:Jade Pool


御马监:heavenly stables

龙宫:Dragon Palace


美猴王:Handsome Monkey King

孙悟空:Sun Wukong

弼马温:Protector of the Horse

齐天大圣:Great Sage Equalling Heaven

大闹天宫:Havoc in Heaven

玉帝:Jade Emperor

王母:Queen Mother

大禹:Yu the Great

太上老君:Supreme Lord Lao Zi

太白金星:Great White Planet

托塔李天王:Heavenly King Li

降魔大元帅:Grant Demon-Subduing Marshal

哪吒:baby-faced Nezha

巨灵神:Mighty Magic Spirit

二郎神:god Erlang

四大天王:Four great Heavenly Kings

增长天王:Sword Heavenly King

广目天王:Lute Heavenly King

多闻天王:Umbrella Heavenly King

持国天王:Snake Heavenly King

马天君:Keeper of the Imperial Stud

七仙女:seven fairy maidens

土地:local guardian god

天将:Heavenly General

天兵:heavenly soldier

仙官:immortal official

神仆:immortal servants

东海龙王:Dragon King of the Eastern Sea

龟丞相:Prime Minister Tortoise


天马:heavenly horse

定海神珍:Magic Sea-Fixing Pin

如意金箍棒:As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel

火眼金睛:fiery eyes with golden pupils

风火轮:Wind-fire Rings

金刚琢:special bracelet

炼丹炉:cook furnace

玲珑塔:magic pagoda

金丹:Golden Elixir Pill

仙桃:magic peach

仙酒:immortal wine

仙果:magic fruit

瞌睡虫:sleep insects

法力:magic power

降龙伏虎:subdue dragons and tigers
