小牛热火 小牛热火总决赛第六场央视
总决赛系列赛6场比赛,诺维茨基场均得到26分9.7个篮板。当诺天王最终捧起总决赛MVP奖杯的那一刻,NBA历史上第11位至少10次入选全明星、1次当选常规赛MVP、1次当选总决赛MVP的巨星就此诞生!(搜狐体育 Wella)
2011年NBA总决赛第六场,小牛取胜后,CCTV5播放的那首歌是什么啊?好像叫This is the time,
David Cook--The Time Of My Life
[ti:the time of my life]
[ar:david cook]
i've been waiting for my dreams
to turn into something
i could believe in
and looking for that
magic rainbow
on the horizon
i couldn't see it
until i let go
gave into love and watched all the bitterness burn
now i'm coming alive
body and soul
and feelin' my world start to turn
and i'll taste every moment
and live it out loud
i know this is the time,
this is the time
to be more than a name
or a face in the crowd
i know this is the time
this is the time of my life
time of my life
holding onto things that vanished
into the air
left me in pieces
but now i'm rising from the ashes
finding my wings
and all that i needed
was there all along
within my reach
as close as the beat of my heart
so i'll taste every moment
and live it out loud
i know this is the time,
this is the time to be
more than a name
or a face in the crowd
i know this is the time
this is the time of my life
time of my life
and i'm out on the edge of forever
ready to run
i'm keeping my feet on the ground
my arms open wide
my face to the sun
i'll taste every moment
and live it out loud
i know this is the time,
this is the time to be
more than a name
or a face in the crowd
i know this is the time
this is the time of my life
time of my life
more than a name
or a face in the crowd
i know
this is the time
this is the time of my life.
this is the time of my life
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