优质回答恩波利亚州立大学被评为全美排名前 10 位的大学。
恩波利亚州立大学是一所美国国家和地区认证的著名学府,学校现设有50多种主修科目和53种不同的专业领域,拥有17个学士,硕士和博士学位。该校在经济学和大学文理科领域获得了国际AACSB的认证(American Association of Collegiate School of Business国际商学院协会,是工商管理、会计学、金融专业学士、硕士、博士等学位项目的首要认证机构。其发起成员包括哈佛大学、哥伦比亚大学、康乃尔大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、耶鲁大学、威斯康星大学等)。同时被誉为全国老师荣誉榜的发源地。 高质量的教室与技术先进的实验室,出色的 NCAA Division II 体育竞赛项目,有超过 130个学生团体以及各式各样的文化课程,还有特殊种类的活动,国际学生熟悉环境活动提供学生高质量的教育以及新鲜刺激的学习经验。
大学名称:Emporia State University
入学时间:春季1月11日,夏季 6月5日 ,秋季8月21日
优质回答恩波利亚州立大学(Emporia State University,ESU)也可以说是我的母校了,当年在北师大有个“中美人才培养计划”121双学位项目(北师大和ESU都是这个项目的成员),我被学校选拔到ESU学习了一年,学校环境挺不错,很适合学习,也很安全。顺便提一下,ESU成立于1863年,已经有150多年的历史了,比咱们中国最好的清、北成立时间都要早,是一所坐落于美国心脏地区堪萨斯州的公立综合性大学,教育学和斯坦福齐名~总体来讲,算不上顶级名校,但教育学、商科、人文社科等很有优势,是一个性价比很高的公立大学。
前言: 堪萨斯州(Kansas)是美国中部7个州之一,位于美国本土的正中心。该州北接内布拉斯加州,南邻俄克拉何马州,西与科罗拉多州接壤,东与密苏里州相连。除东北隅临密苏里河一段州界稍有弯曲外,整个州域呈长方形。堪萨斯州地势平坦,自东向西逐渐增高,属北美大草原。首府托皮卡(Topeka,也译托尼卡)。堪萨斯州是美国第一个承认宪法所赋予美国非洲裔人民选举权的州。全州人口2,893,957(2013年)。面积21万平方公里。冬小麦产量,在美国五十州中,列第一位。是美国大陆四十八州地理中心。
• Located in the central region of the US; borders with Nebraska to the north, Missouri to the east, Oklahoma to the south and Colorado to the west
• State capital is Topeka and largest city is Wichita
• Famous people from Kansas include actor and filmmaker Dennis Hopper, writer William S. Burroughs and jazz musician Charlie Parker
• Lucas, Kansas, is home to the world’s largest collection of the world’s smallest versions of the world’s smallest things – a roadside travelling attraction
• Major products include beef, sunflowers and wheat
• Wildlife in Kansas includes deer, elk, buffalo and pronghorn antelope
Smack-bang in the middle of the US, Kansas also has a central place in American mythology – this rural, Frontier Strip state provides the setting for classic musical fantasy film The Wizard of Oz and popular Western drama Little House on the Prairie.Cities such as Wichita and Dodge City were also centers of the legendary Wild West, and several museums across the state commemorate Kansas’ gun-slinging past.Wichita is also known for its contributions to the aircraft industry, and as the state’s leading cultural center. In recent years it has also garnered a reputation for affordability, having appeared high up in a number of different rankings of the most affordable places to live in the US.
Still one of the US’s most productive agricultural states, Kansas will appeal to those who wish to travel to the pastoral core of the US – though if you’re in need of the bright lights there’s plenty of fun to be had in cities like Wichita, Kansas City and Topeka.One of the sunniest states in the country, Kansas promises scorching summer temperatures; Wichita’s average daily high in July is a sizzling 93°F (34°C). As those who have seen The Wizard of Oz will recall, it’s also one of the nation’s most tornado-prone states, averaging around 50 per year.
The University of Kansas, the state’s largest university, ranks in the top 450 of the QS World University Rankings 2011/12.While the main campus is in Lawrence, the university also has campuses in Kansas City, Wichita, Salina, Edwards, and subject-specific institutes in several other locations.Almost 30,000 students are enrolled at the Lawrence and Edwards campuses, including almost 20,000 undergraduate students. About 69% of students are from within Kansas, and more than 2,000 are from outside the US, hailing from more than 100 countries.Other public universities in Kansas include Kansas State University, Wichita State University, Pittsburg State University, Fort Hays State University and Emporia State University.There are also lots of community colleges, offering two-year associate’s degrees, and a large selection of private universitie.