
对于这种情况,勒沃库森俱乐部的体育总监沃勒尔表示:“德甲所有的球队都鼓励进攻,想要获得更好的名次。但是拜仁的实力远远超出其他球队,他们在德甲是衡量一切的标准,这同他们从其他球队挖人没有关系。” 法兰克福的明星球员凯文-博阿滕表示:“”德甲对所有的球员都很有吸引力,这里有杰出的联赛组织,几乎每一场比赛球场都爆满。德甲融合了其他联赛的特点,英超的快节奏,西甲的技巧,意甲联赛的战术,几乎是完美的。但现在的问题是你需要1.25亿欧元才能买到一名世界级的球员,我认为一个联赛不流出那么多的资金是一件好事情。”
莱比锡RB的首席执行官Oliver Mintzlaff表示:“为了不落后于其他顶级联赛,投资者们需要变得更精明。同时,投资者们不应该把足球当成玩具。我们必须制定一些规则来建立一个框架,使这种平衡(缩小差距)成为可能。”
写英语的邮件本就讲究技巧,写给老板的邮件更是如此,下面是我整理的给老板写英语邮件的七个技巧, 希望对大家有帮助。
If you really want to get your message across, make sure you understand the mindset of the person you’re emailing.
以下是能帮你写好邮件的七个建议,这些都是从我担任战略顾问的25年 经验 中 总结 而来。这七大诀窍有一个共同点,那就是都非常注重揣摩阅读者的心理。为什么这一点非常重要在对方收到你发出的邮件后,他就会马上在心里将你的邮件进行分拣归类,很有可能就归入了那些糟糕的类目下,比如:“忽略并归类为垃圾邮件”、“以后再读”、“现在读,但不采取行动”等等。而显然,你所期望的是对方将你的邮件归类为“现在看并马上采取行动”。
Below you’ll find seven tips to help you be a better email writer, which I have drawn from my 25 years’ experience as a strategy consultant. What these seven tips have in common is that they focus on the psychology of the reader. Why is that important As soon as a reader receives a text, he mentally pigeonholes it into one of several, possibly damning categories: “ignore and ditch,” “read later,” “read now, but no action.” Obviously you want your reader to pigeonhole your textin the “read and act now” slot.
如果想要你的阅读者做出积极的回应,懂一点社会心理学和行为经济学会对你有所帮助。具体来说,关于这两个领域的一些基础知识,有两本书非常值得一读。第一本是罗伯特•希尔蒂尼(Robert Cialdini)的《影响力:说服的心理学》(Influence:The Psychology of Persuasion),这本书对顺从行为进行了心理学分析,即什么因素能让一个人答应他人的要求;另外一本是由理查德•塞勒(Richard Thaler)和卡斯•孙斯坦因(Cass Sunstein)合著的《推动力》(Nudge),这本书对各种系统进行了分析人们提高作出对自身更为有利选择的能力。虽然这两本书本身不涉及商务写作,但是包含了一些非常实用的相关理论。在这些理论的基础上,我总结出了以下的建议,它们与你在别的地方学到的那些常见的商务写作技巧,比如“避免使用被动语态”、“避免使用行业术语和缩略语”、“变换语句的长度和结构”等,将互为补充。
To get your reader to respond positively, it helps to understand a little about social psychology and behavioral economics. Specifically, two great books serve as a good intellectual foundation to these fields. The first is Robert Cialdini’sInfluence: The Psychology of Persuasion, which addresses the psychology of compliance, i.e. the factors that cause one person to say yes to another person. The second is Richard Thaler’s and Cass Sunstein’sNudge, which examines systems that help people improve their ability to select options that will make them better off. While these books don’t deal with business writing per se, they contain relevant and applicable insights. They lead to tips that you will find complementary to the often technical tips about business writing that you find elsewhere, such as “avoid the passive voice,” “avoid jargon and acronyms,” and “vary the length and structure of your sentences.”
Take into account where and when your boss reads your text.In today’s fast-paced world of instant, omnipresent and byte-size hypercommunication, it is easy and tempting to fire off a text to your targeted reader as soon as you have finished writing it. But think about when and where he will receive your text. For example, it may not be a great idea to mail a request for a two-months leave of absence to your boss on a Friday evening when he is waiting at an overcrowded airport for a delayed return flight home after three days of intense and unsuccessful negotiations with union delegates. Your request may be perfectly reasonable and eloquently worked out, but you’d better wait for a more auspicious time and place for it to land in your boss’s inbox',event)">inbox.
Stand out in a crowded inbox',event)">inbox by using clues.Busy as businesspeople are, they cannot afford to think too long about every decision they have to make. They often make fairly automatic decisions based on past experience or just one written clue that is presented to them. It starts with simple things like the subject header of your mail: it should convey opportunity and benefit to the reader rather than effort and goodwill from him. For example, when you write an email to solicit participation in a benchmarking exercise, the heading “Study” may evoke more dreadful associations than “How to improve performance.” More profoundly, make yourself likeable to your reader, for example, by referring to shared interests or flattering him. Of course you’re walking a fine line: you don’t want to mislead, deceive or manipulate your readers; you simply want to convince, persuade and facilitate.
Personalize your message.There are occasions when you have to send essentially the same textto several readers, such as when you need data from several colleagues to build a business case. You can either broadcast a standard request or send personalized requests separately. While the broadcast initially may appear more efficient to you, you risk running into the so-called bystander effect. First, each person reasons that others will respond, and therefore will do nothing. Second, each person waits for a response from the others to find out whether the request is really that serious or important. You will probably get a higher response rate if you take some time to personalize your messages. Of course, be a bit more sophisticated and less lazy than simply replacing “Dear Team” by “Dear Suzy”.
注意受众中的神秘读者。任何一本优秀的商业写作指南都会告诉你,必须考虑到接收你消息的各种不同的读者群体。例如,如果你正在写一份并购目标评估 报告 ,公司的首席执行官、董事会以及投资银行家都可能阅读这份报告,你知道他们的需求各不相同。更难应对的是神秘读者——那些你一无所知的读者。比如,你的某个目标读者可能(不经意地)将消息转发给你认为不应该读取该消息的某个人。请记住网络版的墨菲定律:“有可能出错的事情总会出错。”另外一个例子就是在你和目标管理者之间充当哨兵的个人助理,这些人会浏览和过滤所有来信。遇到这种情况时,你可以先写一封邮件作掩护,专门让助理去处理。不要忘了,一份文件可能会储存很长时间,有可能在几年后才会被不知原委的人阅读,因而可能出现误解。所以要充分考虑神秘读者的存在,以及如何进行应对。
Beware of the mystery readers in your audience.Every guide on business writing worth its salt will tell you that you have to take into account the various reader segments that your text is addressing. For example, if you’re writing an assessment of an acquisition target, you know that both your CEO, your company’s Board and their investment banker, each with different needs, may read it. Much more tricky to deal with are the mystery readers — that is those you don’t know about. For example, one of your targeted readers may (inadvertently) forward your text to a person who in your mind should be the last to read it. Remember the cyberversion of Murphy’s infamous law that “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” Another example is the personal assistant who stands as a sentinel between you and your targeted executive, scanning and filtering all incoming mail, in which case you might write a cover email designed to make her act first. And don’t forget that a document can have a long shelf life and be read a few years later by people who have no clue about its original context, and thus may misinterpret it. So think through the mystery readers and how you could cope with them.
Kill the mosquitos. Of course most of your readers are no fools.They know that content is more important than form, and that an attractive form (clear building blocks, an appealing lay-out, page numbering, etc.) is no guarantee of the quality of the content. Nevertheless they often reason unconsciously that, if the author didn’t even bother about formal quality, in all likelihood he didn’t bother about the quality of the content either. Form quality also neutralizes the so-called mosquitos. We are all familiar with them: the people who attend a presentation and immediately turn to the pages with a pie chart to check that the percentages add up to exactly one hundred. While these nitpickers are neither lethal nor value-adding, don’t make it easy for them to criticize your email presentation and distract your audience from your real message.
让回应你的邮件变得简单。评价一块布丁的好坏要靠品尝,而检验写作的质量则是要根据读者的反应。切记,不回复往往是一种更方便的选择。虽然你很难迫使读者作出回应,但是至少你可以刺激一下他们。为此,从开头的第一句话就要表明来意,说明你为什么写这份邮件,以及你希望对方作出什么样的回应—— 商务信函不应该像是推理小说。到结尾时,要为读者提供默认选项,方便对方做出回应。例如,你可以在邮件中写:“如果您在周一之前没有回信,我就会当做您同意了我的建议。”(当然,如果邮件的接收者是你的顶头上司,这一点就很难做到。)默认选项的威力巨大,因为人们往往不愿意花太多精力去做别的选择。人们往往很难对默认选项说不,特别是当你指出,你提供的选项是正常的,或者甚至是被他人所推荐的。如果默认选项不太好想到,你可以明确向读者表示你期待回复,并请他们告知他们的打算,以及相关的时间和方式。仅仅是询问人们的计划就可以起到推动作用。
Make it easy to respond to your text.If the proof of the pudding is in the eating, then the proof of your writing is in your reader’s response. But remember that not responding is often a more convenient alternative. While it is hard to force a response, at least you can prod. To start with, make it clear, almost from the very first sentence, why you are writing to the reader and what you expect from her – business texts should not be mystery novels. And when you come to the end, make it easy for the reader to respond by providing her with a default option. For example, you might include in your email: “Unless I hear from you by Monday, I will assume that you agree with my recommendation.” (This might be difficult if your reader is your boss.) Defaults are powerful because people often are not willing to spend much effort coming up with other options. The choice for the default option is especially hard to resist if you suggest that yours is the normal or even recommended choice. If there is no easy default option, you can explicitly tell your readers that you expect a response, and you can ask them to let you know what they intend to do, by when, and how. The mere fact of asking people what they intend to do acts as a nudge.
Work and work again on your text.There is no escape. Writing a high-quality text takes effort and consequently time. Consider Thomas Edison’s most endearing maxims: “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” The opportunity relates to the return you might get from spending a bit more time on raising the quality of your text. Chances are your audience will then notice, read, understand, and act upon your message after only hitting the send button once.
总而言之,邮件作者应当像设计师那样精心设计自己的邮件。好的商务邮件作者既不是艺术家也不是工程师;他是可以预见人们需求或想法的设计师,然后据此精雕细琢出一封恰当的邮件。利用这一 方法 ,你可能就会得到自己想要的回应。
In summary, a writer should behave like a designer. A good business writer is neither an artist nor an engineer. He is a designer who envisions what people need or are thinking and then crafts an appropriate email. Follow that approach and, chances are, you’ll get the response you want.
赫尔曼•万特拉彭是布鲁塞尔战略咨询公司Akordeon的董事总经理,以及《The Executive Action Writer》一书的作者。
Herman Vantrappen is the Managing Director of Akordeon, a strategic advisory firm based in Brussels, and author of The Executive Action Writer
1. 发英文邮件的格式范文3篇
2. 写英文邮件自我介绍的范文
3. 写英文邮件的格式范文
4. 小学英文邮件范文
5. 给领导发邮件
6. 给领导写邮件的格式范文3篇
比尔.盖茨简介:威廉(比尔)H.盖茨是全球个人计算机软件的领先供应商-微软公司的创始人、前任董事长和首席执行官,盖茨的资产净值:564 亿美元。
盖茨出生于1955年10月28日,他和两个姐妹一起在西雅图长大。他们的父亲William H.GatesII是西雅图的一名律师。他们的已故母亲Mary Gates曾任中学教师、华盛顿大学的校务委员以及United WayInternational的女主席。
1973年,盖茨进入哈佛大学一年级,在那里他与Steve Ballmer住在同一楼层,后者目前是微软公司总裁。在哈佛期间,盖茨为第一台微型计算机-MITSAltair开发了BASIC编程语言。BASIC语言是John Kemeny和Thomas Kurtz于六十年代中期在Dartmouth学院开发的一种计算机语言。
三年级时,盖茨从哈佛退学,全身心投入其与童年伙伴Paul Allen一起于1975年组建的微软公司。他们深信个人计算机将是每一部办公桌面系统以及每一家庭的非常有价值的工具,并为这一信念所指引,开始为个人计算机开发软件。
1995年,盖茨编写了《未来之路书》,在书中,他认为信息技术将带动社会的进步。该书的作者还包括微软公司首席技术官Nathan Myhrvold以及PeterRinearson,它在《纽约时报》的最畅销书排名中连续7周位列第一,并在榜上停留了18周之久。
《未来之路》在20多个国家出版,仅在中国就售出40多万册。 1996年,为充分利用Internet所带来的新的商机,盖茨对微软进行了战略调整,同时,他又全面修订了《未来之路》,在新版本中,他认为交互式网络是人类通讯历史上一个主要里程碑。再版平装本同样荣登最畅销排行榜。盖茨将其稿费收入捐给了一个非盈利基金,用于支持全世界将计算机与教学相结合的教师。
在微软公司上市的12年时间里,盖茨已向慈善机构捐献8亿多美元,包括向盖茨图书馆基金会捐赠2亿美元,以帮助北美的各大图书馆更好地利用信息时代带来的各种新技术。1994年,盖茨创立了William H.Gates基金会,该基金会赞助了一系列盖茨本人及其家庭感兴趣的活动。盖茨捐献的四个重点领域是:教育、世界公共卫生和人口问题、非赢利的公众艺术机构以及一个地区性的投资计划-Puget Sound。
盖茨1994年1月1日与Melinda French Gates结婚,他们有一个孩子Jennifer Katharine Gates,1996年出生。盖茨是一个读书迷,而且很喜欢打高尔夫和桥牌。
Bill.Cover a 茨 brief introduction:The H of William(Bill).Cover the 茨 is the geneses person,former incumbent president whom global personal calculator software leads the supplier - Microsoft company and chief executive officer, cover the net asset value of the 茨 :564 USD hundred million.
Cover the 茨 was born in in 1955 October 28th, he grew up in Seattle together and two sisters.Their father's William H.GatesII is a lawyer of Seattles.Their died mother Mary Gates has ever allowed the school administration member of committee of high school teacher,University of Washington and the female chairman of the United WayInternational.
Cover 茨 to have ever studied in the common school of Seattles with the private lake front high school, over there, he starts oneself's personal occupation of the calculator software experience, 13 years old start write calculator procedure.
Covered 茨 into Harvard in 1973 grade one, he lived with the Steve Ballmer in same floor over there, the latter was a Microsoft president of company currently.During the period of Harvard, the cover 茨 for a the pedestal microcomputer - MITSAltair developped the BASIC plait distance language.The BASIC language is the John Kemeny and the Thomas Kurtz in the mid 60's a kind of calculator language in the Dartmouth college development.
Grade three, the cover 茨 drops out from school from Harvard, the whole body heart throws in it and childhood colleague's Paul Allen is together in 1975 set the Microsoft company for set up.They believe deeply personal calculator will is each a the set transact the table's top system and each family of terrific value tool, and is guide by this conviction, the beginning is personal calculator development software.
Cover 茨 relevant personal calculator of the farseeing and insight have been the Microsoft company and the software industry successful key.Cover 茨 to participate the key management of the Microsoft company progressively with the strategic decision, and develop an important function in new technique development of the product.His equal part of time used for the global employee that meets customer and passes E-mail and the Microsoft company to keep contact.
While cover the leadership of the 茨 , the mission of the Microsoft raises and improves the software technique constantly, and make people are relaxed more,more economic effectively and more the interesting ground usage calculator.The Microsoft company owns a long-term development strategy, this can get a reflection from this fiscal year the research and the development investment of USD 2,600,000,000.
Covered 茨 to write in 1995 《the road book of the future 》, in the book, he thought the progress that the information technique will arouse a society.The author of that book still includes the Microsoft company chief technique an officer the Nathan Myhrvold and PeterRinearson, it is in 《 the New York Times 》 of most the bestseller rank continuously for 7 weeks, row first, and stopped over for long 18 weeks on the 榜 .
《The road of the future 》in more than 20 nation publications, only sell in China 40 have another ten thousand volumes. In 1996, is made use of Internet well bring of new business opportunities, the cover 茨 carried on strategy to adjust to the Microsoft, in the meantime, he revised completely again 《the road of the future 》, in the new edition, he thinks handing over with each other the type network is mankind the communication history previous and main milestone.Have a second edition the paperback book and same glory ascends the most popular ranking.Cover the 茨 donated its payment income to a non- earnings fund, useding for supporting the teacher whom the whole world combines together the calculator and teaching.
In addition to the calculator feeling knot outside, the living creature technique for the cover 茨 is also very interested in.He is the board of directors member of the ICOS company and British Chiroscience group and it locates Washington of whole 资 subsidiary-ChiroscienceR& D companyThe precursor is a DarwinMolecular)of shareholder.He still established the Corbis company, that company was develop a world biggest of can see to turn one of the information resources, provide a world a public and private art for collect and photograph numerical text file of the comprehensive of the work.The harbinger CraigMcCaw that covers 茨 to return with the beehive telephone invested the Teledesic company together, the company's ambition thrivingly the plan shoot several hundred vicinity district orbit satellites, providing a double toward breadth to take the telecommunication service for the whole world.
In the Microsoft company appear on market of 12 years, cover the 茨 has already made a contribution more than US$800,000,000 toward the pogey, including toward the cover 茨 library foundation to donate USD 200,000,000, each land utilization with better big library of in aid of North Americas uses various new technique that the information brings for ages.Covered 茨 to establish the foundation of William H.Gates in 1994, that foundation sponsored a series cover 茨 oneself and its family interested in activity.Four point realms that cover the 茨 alms BE:Educate,the world public hygiene and population problem,win the public art organization of the benefit and an investment of the local plan not-Puget Sound.
Cover 茨 , January 1st and Melinda French Gates got married in 1994, they had a kid Jennifer Katharine Gates, being born in 1996.Cover the 茨 is a studying fan, and likes to play the golf and game of bridge very much.
Bill the · cover 茨 famous saying
(1)The life is unfair, will adapt it;
(2)This world will not care you before you have results to show of self-respect;
(3)The senior high school graduation don't hope to own too many;
(4)Don't think before having a boss your boss is scathing, but the boss have no tenure restriction;
(5)The 烙 beef a round flat cake will not have 损 you of dignity;
(6)You of the predicament isn't your parents' fault;
(7)You of the parents have been paying the bill a list to just become now for you of dull;
(8)You of the school may not divide excellent grade to living to living with inferior grade, but this and reality the life have no likeness of place;
(9)Your having no summer vacation can take a rest in the life, also unmanned discover ego for you;
(10)The television isn't a true life;
(11)Treat kindly a dull person, you may make for a dull artificial.