- 1、英文中常见的拉丁语单词和短语有哪些?
- 2、英语世界中常用的外来语(如拉丁语)
- 3、有哪些脍炙人口且易学的拉丁语短语、单词?
- 4、英文中常见的拉丁语单词和短语有哪些
- 5、英语里的使用的拉丁语词汇
- 6、英语词汇中来自拉丁语,法语,德语的比列是多少?
- 7、英语中有几种从法语或拉丁语借来的词?
优质回答这个实在是太多啦, 先写下了一点,至于意大利语发音我并不会,sorry
单词:英语 - 拉丁语
descend - descendere
rose - rosa
intellegent - intelle
affect - affiicere
habitat - habitare
ignor - ignorare
recipe - recipere
danmage - damnare
credit - credere
defence - defendere
occur - occurrere
custom - custos
delete - delere
dentis - dens, dentis
destini - destinare
dignity - dignitas
divide - dividere
add - addere
edition - editus
doinor - donare
veto - vetare
exit - exire
audio - audire
cruel - crudelis
fortune - fortuna
clear - clare
bonus - bonus
aquarium - aquarium
error - 拉丁语被我忘了
adulescent - adulescens
estimate - aestimare
aggressive - aggressus
animal - animal
art - ars
cv - cirriculum vitae
seis the day - carpe diem
Don't take anything for granted - nihil pro certo
conceptually - in abstracto
the name is unknown - nomen nesci
i came i saw i won - veni vidi vici
long live the king - vivat rex
a.m. ante meridiem 上午
p.m. post meridiem 下午
etc. et cetera 等等
e.g. exempli gratia 比如
i.e. id est 即,也就是
AD Anno Domini 公元
v.v. vice versa 反之亦然
lb. libra(e) 重量单位 磅
vs. versus 对
NB nota bene 请注意
viz. videlicet 即,也就是
R. Rex 国王
et al. et alibi和其他地方 或 et alii和其他人
status 状态、地位等等
优质回答Per se: (就其本身而言)The direct translation of this term is "by itself" and it means just that when used in English as well. You could use it to say that you don't find chemistry boring per se (by itself, intrinsically), but this professor's voice puts you to sleep. 例如:就化学本身而言我并不讨厌它,可是教授上课的声音总是让我想打瞌睡。
Vice versa: (反之亦然) From the Latin meaning "to change" or "turn around," this term means to reverse the order of something . This quote from Samuel Butler provides an example, "In the midst of vice we are in virtue, and vice versa."
Alma mater: (母校 尤指大学)If you don't know this term already, you'll become quite familiar with it once you graduate from college. The literal translation is "dear/bountiful mother" but you'll find it used in everyday language to denote the college or university from which one has graduated.
Magnum opus(大师之作/绝好的艺术作品): Whether it's in writing, painting, sculpture or music, this Latin term denotes the greatest work done by an artist-- a true masterpiece.
Bona fide(在法律术语中指良好的意图/一般表示真诚的和善意的): While it's literal translation means "good faith" this term has a few different shades of meaning in modern language. In legal terms, it is used to represent something that is presented without deception or fraud, or literally in good faith, honest, sincere and lawful. It is more commonly used to mean something that's the real deal or truly authentic.
Quasi(类似的,有如): In Latin, this word means as if or as though and in English it is used as both an adjective in its own right and as a part of a compound word. It simply designates something that resembles something else but doesn't quite have all the same features.
Alter ego(密友,或者个性的另一面): Cicero coined this term, most likely taken from the Greek, to mean "a second self" or "another I" and its modern meaning hasn't changed much today. Many people have an alter ego, or another, perhaps hidden aspect of themselves. One example from popular culture is Beyonce's alter ego, Sasha Fierce.
Verbatim(逐字逐句的/地): If you repeat something verbatim you repeat it in exactly the same words, word for word with no changes and no improvisation.
Status quo(现状): From the Latin meaning "the state in which" this term is used today to designate the existing state or condition of things. For example, if you're making money off of a high pollution industry it is to your interests to maintain the status quo when it comes to environmental law.
Sic(这个是指原作品中出现了错误,编辑在此指出): Found in writing, this Latin word most commonly finds a home in brackets (like this: [sic]) when quoting a statement or writing. It indicates that there is a spelling or grammar error (or just something out of the ordinary) in the original quotation and that the publication has only reproduced it faithfully, not made an error of their own.
Id est(缩写是i.e.,通常在作者想要给出具体的例子和解释的时候): You've likely seen this term in writing before, even if you weren't aware as it is commonly abbreviated to i.e. In Latin, it means "that is" and is used in English when the speaker or writer wants to give an example or explanation that specifies a statement.
Deus ex machina(解围的人或事件): In direct translation, this term means, "God out of a machine" and it harkens back ancient Greek and Roman plays. When the plot would become too tangled or confusing, the writers would simply bring in God, lowered in via a pulley system (the machine) and he would wrap it all up. Today, it's still used in literature to describe a plot where an artificial or improbable means of resolving a conflict is used.
Exempli gratia(缩写是e.g.,这通常会用在例子前面,for the sake of example): You'll often see this term abbreviated to e.g. in writing. It means "for the sake of example" and when it see it in a sentence you can expect that is will be followed by some examples.
Et cetera(缩写是etc. 意思是and the others还有其他的): Few out there aren't familiar with this term but may not know it as well when it's spelled out like this and not abbreviated as etc. Meaning "and the others" it is used to denote that a list of things could continue ad infinitum (see below for definition) and that for the sake of brevity it's better to just wrap things up with a simple etc.
Ex libris(专指书籍 从.图书馆来): Back in the days when books were rarer and more expensive commodities than they were today, it was common to mark your books with a label bearing your own name and this phrase which means "from the library of." While not as common today, some true bibliophiles still use the labels.
Ibidem(缩写是ibid,常被用在文献页,指同一个资料来源被引用了两次): Another abbreviated term, this word is more commonly seen in research writing in the form of "ibid." From the Latin for "in the same place" it is found in footnotes and bibliographies to designate that the same source has been cited twice in succession.
Et alii(缩写是et al, 通常用在一本合著的书的某一个作者名字之后以省略罗列其他的作者名字): You're unlikely to encounter this Latin phrase in its unabbreviated form, and will most likely only ever see it as et al when included. This is also a term that is found in footnotes and bibliographies which allows writers to refer to a large number of authors without having to write each name out (for example, you could say that your source is Dr. Henry Jones et al.)
adios 再见
amigo 朋友
alligator (el largarto)
barbeque BBQ
el nino
nada 没有,什么都没有
armarda >舰队, 来自于La armada española(西班牙舰队)
breeze > 冷风,来自于 brisa (寒冷的东北风)
canyon >峡谷, 来自于cañón(管道,管子,峡谷)
cargo > 货物,来自于cargar (动词,意思是装载)
chocolate > 巧克力,来自于 chocolate (热水)
El Niño > 厄尔尼诺,来自于El Niño de la Navidad,“圣诞节的孩子”,因为似乎太平洋的海水总是在圣诞节这段时间变得温暖
guerilla > 游击战,来自于guerilla(小战争)
lasso > 套索(常用的Photoshop工具),来自于 lazo (系)
mosquito > 来自于mosquito (小飞虫)
Piñata > 来自于(Piñata)意思是锥形,Piñata 是一种玩具,经常被墨西哥人用来在过节或过生日的时候用来玩。方法,将装满糖果的Piñata吊起来,一个人(往往是过生日的人)拿着棍子去打,直到Piñata被打破。以前这个东西是对阿芝台克人有宗教意义的,用来庆祝他们的一个神的生日。现在基本上没有了。
pronto > 来自于pronto (马上)
ranch > 来自于 rancho(小村庄,比城镇小)
rodeo > 来自于 rodeo 和 rodear (本意绕着走,现在意思是马术竞技表演)
salsa > 来自于 salsa (sauce,酱)现在的意思是一种带有洋葱的番茄汁
与军事有关的词汇有 camp (battle), segn (banner), pîl (pointed stick, javelin), weall (wall), pytt (pit), straet (road, street), mîl (mile), and miltestre (courtesan)等。
与贸易有关的词汇更多。 基础的词汇有cêap (bargain; cf. Eng., cheap, chapman) ,mangian (to trade) ,与其衍生词汇mangere (monger),mangung (trade, commerce), and mangung-hûs (shop)。
与交易有关的单词pund (pound), mydd (bushel), seam (burden, loan), mynet (coin)。 从mynet这个词中古英语又造了 mynetian (to mint or coin) 与mynetere (money-changer)两词。
也有很多与酒及其容器相关的单词比如wîn (wine), must (new wine), eced (vinegar),
flasce (flask, bottle),cylle (L. culleus, leather bottle), cyrfette (L. curcurbita, gourd), and sester (jar, pitcher)。
其他与日常生活相关的物品有cytel (kettle; L. catillus, catlnus), mese (table), scamol (L. scamellum, bench, stool; cf. modern shambles), teped (carpet, curtain; L. tapêtum), pyle (L. pulvînus, pillow),pilece (L. pellicia, robe of skin), and sigel (brooch, necklace; L. sigillum)。
与食品相关的单词有cîese (L. câseus, cheese), spelt (wheat), pipor (pepper), senep (mustard;
L. sinâpi), popig (poppy), cisten (chestnut-tree; L. castanea), cires(bêam) (cherry-tree。
L. cerasus),while to this period are probably to be assigned butere (butter; L. bûtýrum), ynne(lêac) (L. ûnio, onion), plûme (plum), pise (L. pisum, pea), and minte (L. mentha, mint)。
与建筑相关的词有cealc (chalk), copor (copper), pic (pitch), and tigele (tile)。
1、Where do you come from?
2、Where are you from?
3、Where you are from?
4、Where are you coming from?
几乎所有的日耳曼语源学词汇(包括所有的基本词汇,如代词、连词等)都相对较短,也更不正式。源自法语或拉丁语的单词通常代表更优雅或专业,显示更大的知识。但是过多使用古拉丁语词源会被视为矫饰或炫耀,过多使用日耳曼语词源会被视为粗俗、未受教育和下等。乔治·奥威尔(George Orwell)的文章《政治与英语》很好地诠释了这一点。