

























Nelson Willie Hugh Nelson was born in April 30, 1933 in Fort Worth, Texas (fortworth), the abbot at the state (abbott) grew up. 6 months when he left his mother, he was brought up by the grandparents. Grandparents learned music, and put some of their records to Nelson and his sister, Bobby (bobbie). 6-year-old Nelson, the grandparents bought him a guitar, take part in a 19-year-old when the first band, when the 13-year-old had his own band. Him at the infamous Fort Worth Shui Po Road Jakes (jacks boro highway) adjacent to the lower places of entertainment for a while after the concert, and Origen (oregon) when a short-term host of the radio music programs.

In 1956 he invested in the north-west recording song for "no place for me there is no shelter for me." 50 at the late 20th century, he moved to (houston), songwriter skills improved. He wrote the first song there is a "family bible family Bible", he sold the copyright in order to buy groceries for daily use. Nelson said: "I sold the copyright of the singer, won a total of more than 50 U.S. dollars." Later, he again "Nightlife" sold by 150 U.S. dollars. He recalled: "I used this money to buy a old car to Nashville (nashville), then finally my song to the redemption of the copyright." Nashville at him out of his name as a composer .

In 1962 (patsy cline) singing "Crazy" appears on the top section 2, and Yang 1961, Fallon (faron young) to sing the "hello walls Hello, vals" top the list. Nelson's work in 1961 did not "funny how times lips away strange time right away," was repeated many times to record 80. Nelson 1962, record companies and freedom (liberty records) signed two quick list of 10 songs before "willingly willing" and "touch me touch me." Since then has not entered the top 10 until 1975, with "blue eyes crying in the rain," top the list. Song from the album, "red-haired stranger." His 1976 album, "Recruit - traitor," one million sales.

70 In the late 20th century and continue to offer the 80's popularity Nelson album, there is "georgia on my mind of my mind Georgia," "another way" may have the most popular are the 80's album "Forever in my heart" . In the meantime, he and co-operation of many well-known singers, recorded a duet. And as his recording career, Nelson is also the success of writing songs, it was songs from his best to recognize him. He said: "I write songs from the 90 percent of my personal experience. If someone want to know me, I have wrote a song." He wrote a total of 990 songs. The 20th century a new generation of singers 90's emerged, Nelson and many of his contemporaries, like the singers, in order to re-record the album became popular on the difficult. He was very cool to look at this change, "one person can not always be popular, I walked the red,(garth brooks) and George Choi special (george strait) have gone through the red, but who did not has always been popular. I do not think people will always want to popularity, so too much stress. go to sell my music, it very well sell my record, and is also good. how is how things should be. "the most popular album "red headed stranger red-haired stranger" (1975) "stardust particles the universe" (1978) "on the road again and the road" (1980) "Forever in my heart" (1982) "to all the girls i've loved before before I give all the girls loved "(1984)" living in the promiseland living in the Kingdom of Heaven "(1986)" nothing i can do about it now I am nothing. " The remaining 40 into the Village's most popular songs of the list a total of 74 songs.


优质回答touch [ttʃ]


接触, 触摸, 碰到

邻接, 毗邻

感动, 触犯, 触怒

给予影响; 伤害; (精神上的)触动

[主要用于否定意义的句中]对(某事)插一手; 对(食物)尝一口

[主要用于否定意义的句中]匹敌, 及得上, 比得上

涉及, 论及, 提到

影响到; 损及

使带上轻微色彩(或情调); 点缀

轻击; 按, 揿(铃等)

画, 写; 修改, 润色

[俚]告借(钱), 讨钱; (用不正当手段)弄钱; 偷, 侵占

试(金); 在(检验过的金银)上打印记




He would not touch the matter.


He never touchs alcoholic drinks.


The thermometer touched 39

°C. 温度升到摄氏三十九度。

The crops were not touched by the early frost.


I couldn't touch these mathematical problems.



a near touch 侥幸的脱险, 九死一生

a touch of irony 一点讽刺的意味

a touch of the sun 轻微中暑

as true as touch 绝对真实, 绝对可靠

at a touch 一触(就.); 一碰(就.)

bring to the touch 考验, 试验, 检验

put to the touch 考验, 试验, 检验

common touch 和人民息息相通, 平易近人的态度

easy touch 有求必应的人, 容易受骗的人 轻而易举的工作 可轻易击败的对手

soft touch 有求必应的人, 容易受骗的人 轻而易举的工作 可轻易击败的对手

finishing touch [touches]最后的步骤; 最后的润色

get in touch with 和.取得联系

get into touch with 和.取得联系

give a final touch to 对.作最后的润色; 完成.的最后一部分工作 修饰, 磨光, 弄平

put a final touch to 对.作最后的润色; 完成.的最后一部分工作 修饰, 磨光, 弄平

give a finishing touch to 对.作最后的润色; 完成.的最后一部分工作 修饰, 磨光, 弄平

put a finishing touch to 对.作最后的润色; 完成.的最后一部分工作 修饰, 磨光, 弄平

give sb. a touch of the ropes end 给某人以体罚

in touch 在.能达到的地方, 在.的附近; 可以接近的, 可以做到的

within touch 在.能达到的地方, 在.的附近; 可以接近的, 可以做到的

in touch of 在.能达到的地方, 在.的附近; 可以接近的, 可以做到的

within touch of 在.能达到的地方, 在.的附近; 可以接近的, 可以做到的

in touch with 同.有联系 了解.的情况

lose one's touch 工作不如以前 失去吸引力

lose touch with 和.失去联系, 对.变得生疏

make a touch 借钱; 讨钱

near as a touch 几乎, 差点儿

no touch to [美口]和.比起来不算什么

out of touch with 同.失去联系, 与.没有通信 对.不了解

the Nelson touch 象(英国海军上将)纳尔逊那样的临机果断的本领

touch off 精确地勾划出 开炮 挂断电话 触发, 激起

touch sb. home 触到某人的痛处, 大伤某人的感情


touch bottom




touch down


touch for


touch off



touch on


touch up



touch bottom 脚触水底;达到最低点;到了最坏程度

touch wood 摸一下木头避免恶运


in of touch (常与with连用)有联系;对某事熟悉

lose touch (常与with连用)失去联系;停止联系

out of touch (常与with连用)无联系;生疏
