欢迎各位阅读本期的“快船Jrs之声”!人手短缺的快船主场迎来了缺兵少将的灰熊,但是遗憾的是他们没能捍卫主场,108-123大比分输给了对手,惨遭三连败。 外国的快船球迷为球队糟糕的表现感到愤懑,与此同时,他们也称赞了灰熊的出色表现。
[1] “灰熊的主教练和一些关键球员都缺席了比赛。然而我们在主场依旧惨遭溃败。我们正深陷泥潭。”
Grizzlies without a few of their key guys and coach. Still got blown out at home. We are in such a terrible slump right now.
[2] “孟菲斯在莫兰特缺阵的情况下取得11胜2负的战绩;他们是一支劲旅。”
Memphis without Ja: 11-2
They’re just a good team
[3] “当缺阵的球员越多,他们(灰熊)打得越拼。”
They play harder the more guys they miss
[4] “击败篮网一战是我们的巅峰。现在打开直播,2分钟我就没法看下去了。我们总是落后10+,并且看不到希望。必要之时,乔治需要尽早复出,然后用左手打球。或者我们需要趁早进行交易,因为赛季就要过去了。我会亲自将曼,伊巴卡和布莱德索送去机场。”
The Nets game was our peak. Now when I put the game on I can’t watch for more than 2 minutes. We are always down 10+ with no hope in sight. PG needs to come back soon & play left handed if he has to. Or we need to make a trade ASAP because the season is slipping away. I will drive Mann, Ibaka, Bledsoe to the airport myself.
[5] “关于布莱德索的矫枉过太盲目了。我也希望球队交易他。虽然我不认为他是我们需要的那种类型的球员,但是这家伙只出手了4次,然后出现1次失误,然后大家议论纷纷,好像整场比赛都是他的错一样。”
This Bledsoe hysteria is wild. I hope we trade him too. I don't think he's the type of player we need, but the guy took 4 shots and had 1 TO and people are talking like whole game was his fault.
[-] “与此同时,雷吉和曼的正负值均达-25,结果大家闭口不谈”
Meanwhile Reggie and Terance each -25 and no one will say a thing.
[-] “雷吉胡乱出手,疯狂赔上犯规,对手博得普通犯规就能站上罚球线。小布兰登各种被推搡,然后勉强投篮,一直到垃圾时间。伊巴卡甚至没有存在感,只停留在大家的想象之中。每一名球有都不设防,都不抢板。整支队伍打的都很糟糕。”
Reggie just tossing the ball wherever and fouling like crazy, which put them in the bonus. Brandon is getting tossed around and was just chucking shots, until garbage time. Serge Ibaka doesn't even exist. We just imagined him. No one is playing defense or rebounding. The whole team is playing bad.
[-] “不知为何,全让布莱德索和温斯洛背锅了。温斯洛打得不错!他已经打了好几场好球,但他呼吸都是错的。”
And somehow, it's 100% Bledsoe and Justise's fault. And Justise played well! It's been a couple of good Justise games and people still just blame Justise for breathing.
[-] “所以我知道有些人根本没看比赛。只是忙着敲键盘。”
That's how I know some people aren't even watching. Just getting on and typing stuff.
[-] “我也很气愤,但是对事不对人。”
I'm mad too, but just be mad at the right things.
[6] “让年轻球员多打一打。”
Play the youth more
[7] “让小布兰登,基翁和斯克罗布多打打。(如果失利不可避免)不妨培养他们。”
More Boston, Keon and Scrubb minutes. Might as well develop them
[8] “斯克罗布应该得到比现在更多的出场时间。”
scrubb deserves way more minutes than he has been getting
[9] “祝贺快船收获本赛季的第11场惨败,明天还有一场。”
Congrats to the clippers on their 11th blowout loss of the season, with one more coming tomorrow.
I hope the team feels embarrassed. I hope they feel terrible. They can't be complacent after being the worst team in the league over the past month. They fxxking stink.
[-] “我见到过更糟糕的情况。88年我就是他们的球迷了。保持 健康 就好”
I've seen worse. Been here since 88. Just gotta get healthy
[10] “这支球队需要认清现实。缺少拼劲和专注就没办法赢下比赛。球队没有传导球,要么就是懒懒散散地传球,然后出现低级失误。在这一场又一场溃败中,我们丢掉了大量的篮板,只因为我们想打小阵容,那么我们需要去卡位,大家一起拼抢篮板。比赛是越看越丑陋,但上帝知道我会每分每秒地看下去,因为我对这支球队充满信心,他们只是需要TM醒悟过来。”
The team really needs a reality check. Can't win games without hustle and focus. There is no ball movement and when there is it's lazy and leads to an easy turnover. We keep getting outrebounded by LARGE margins game after game because we want to play small ball. Well then we need to box out and rebound as a team. Sxxt is getting hard to watch but lord knows I will keep watching every minute because I got faith in this team they just need to wake the fxxk up.
[11] “18年球队也没那么多天赋,但是他们打得很有韧性,很有拼劲。虽然我不在乎输球,但是起码输得有尊严,至少有去争取。这实在是很可悲。”
We have had less talented team in 2018 and they were playing with grit and hustle. I dont care about losing but at least fxxking lose with respect and effort. It is actually pathetic.
[12] “让年轻球员上场吧”
Put the young guys in.
[-] “至少他们打得有强度.”
At least they play with intensity.
[-] “我们的老将看上去无精打采”
Our vets look listless
[13] “我们在Crypt.com赢过球吗?”
Have we won any games at the Crypt
[14] “我想把我的眼珠子挖出来。”
I wanna gouge my eyes out
[15] “我希望我们能在交易截止日之前做点什么,尽管我知道球队身处困境,但是我们需要做出改变。”
i hope we do something at the trade deadline, ik we hurt but we need to shake things up
[16] “荒唐,总经理需要做点什么”
Ridiculous, GM need to do something
[17] “赛季0-3灰熊”
0-3 against Memphis
[18] “我不认为大家意识到本赛季的哈尔滕施泰因有多么重要。他是我们发挥出色的主要原因。”
I don't think people realized how important Hartenstein has been this season. He's a huge reason we are getting killed.
[-] “哈腾有着全队最高的正负值,进攻篮板,每48分钟的胜利贡献指数,封盖率和球员效率值。哥们得快点复出帮助球队止止血。”
Hartenstein has the highest BPM, offensive rebounds, win shares/48, block rate, and PER on this entire team. Dude needs to come back and stop the bleeding for us.
[-] “此外,我们为什么不重签恩尼斯?我认为弗兰克有时候真的是笨蛋。”
Also, why'd we not re-pick up Ennis I think Lawrence Frank sometimes is a real idiot.
[-] “詹姆斯-恩尼斯在出战的两场比赛里打得很出色,比加布里埃尔好得多。 ”
James Ennis has been great for us the 2 games he played. Much better than freaking Wenyen. Wenyen, wtf.
[19] “我知道了.明天又是一场败仗。”
I knew ittomorrow another day another L
[20] “我希望在接下来几天感受到快乐。”
I want to have fun in following days
[21] “我很开心。篮球是逃离疫情的好途径。不论输赢。”
I'm having fun. Basketball is a great escape from the pandemic. Win or lose