






BBC world news 6月3号的新闻文本

BBC News with Julie Candler.

A day after the oil company BP failed to seal an underwater oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, the White House has given a somber assessment of the likely outcome. President Obama's adviser on energy Carol Browner suggested that six weeks after it began, the leak could continue until August.

"This is probably the biggest environmental disaster we've ever faced in this country. It's certainly the biggest oil spill, and we’re responding with the biggest environmental response. More oil is leaking into the Gulf of Mexico than at any other time in our history; it means there's more oil than the Exxon Valdez."

After failing to block the leaking well with mud, BP is now to try remote-controlled robots. They’ll try to slice through a broken pipe and fit a device to transfer the leaking oil to the surface. BP warned though that the procedure has never been carried out before at such a depth.

The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has cancelled a visit to Argentina after the city of Buenos Aires called off a ceremony to honour the founder of modern Turkey, Kemal Ataturk. The Turkish foreign ministry accused the Buenos Aires authorities of acceding to the demands of the Armenian community there and deciding not to unveil a bust of Ataturk in the city. Genc Lamani reports.

The Turkish foreign ministry accused the Buenos Aires authorities of bowing to pressure from the Armenian community there. Turkey and Armenia are in a long-running dispute over the mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks nearly a century ago. The foreign ministry in Ankara said Argentina's President Cristina Kirchner spoke with Mr Erdogan to explain she could not overrule the decision - an explanation Mr Erdogan had found unacceptable.

The organizers of a flotilla of ships trying to deliver aid to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip say the boats have sailed from an anchorage off the coast of Cyprus. They planned to get to Gaza on Monday. The territory has been under an Israeli blockade over the past three years, and Israel says it's ready to intercept the flotilla and deport the activists. This Palestinian campaigner Jamal Khudari urged the international community to give their support.

"We welcome them and we support them and we also send a message for all the world, all the international community and Arab and Muslim community to support them and to give them more support against Israel."

Polls have just closed in Colombia where people are voting for a new president to replace Alvaro Uribe who’s completed two terms in office. Opinion polls predict a close contest between the two main contenders - Mr Uribe's former Defence Minister Juan Manuel Santos, and the Green Party candidate Antanas Mockus. Mr Santos has promised to continue Mr Uribe's tough stance against left-wing rebels, while Mr Mockus has put more emphasis on education and rule of law. No candidate wins a majority. There will be a second round run-off in three weeks’ time.

World News from the BBC.

The remains of 12 Mexican independence leaders have been exhumed in a solemn military ceremony led by President Felipe Calderon. Bands played and crowds threw white flowers as the bones of the national heroes were paraded through Mexico City with an escort of hundreds of soldiers. The crypts were opened as part of celebrations to mark 200 years since the start of Mexico's War of Independence from Spain.

Iraq has sent its first ambassador to Kuwait since it invaded the country 20 years ago. The new ambassador Mohammed Hussein Bahr al-Ulum faces many challenges in helping to repair the relationship between the two states. These include the issue of Iraq paying Kuwait millions of dollars in war reparations.

Civil liberties groups have criticised African leaders who’re gathering for the Africa-France summit in the French city of Nice which starts on Monday. The organizations say that only two of the 38 African heads of state attending the meeting could not be accused of human rights violations. Estelle Nkounkou-Ngongo from West African Human Rights Defenders Network described it as a fake summit and said it was hypocritical for African leaders to talk about good governance and democracy at the event.

The Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon and the President of Uganda Yoweri Museveni are taking part in a football match in the Ugandan capital Kampala. The match involving diplomats, aid agency workers and local players at the Mandela Stadium was intended to highlight the plight of war victims, particularly those who suffered at the hands of the Lord's Resistance Army rebels during the conflict in the north of the country. Mr Ban said he enjoyed the game.

"It was a great game, and I like to play football, but I never thought, I never expected that I would play with president of Uganda."

Mr Ban is attending a conference of the International Criminal Court in Kampala on Monday.

BBC News.

BP石油公司封闭墨西哥湾水下漏油点宣告失败一天之后,白宫对可能产生的后果作出了严峻的评估。奥巴马总统能源顾问罗尔·布朗纳尔(Carol Browner)表示,石油泄漏已经长达六周的时间,可能将一直持续到八月份。

“这可能是美国历史上面临的最大的环境灾难。这当然是规模最大的漏油事件,我们也做出了最大的反应。这些泄漏入墨西哥湾的石油量超出历史上任何时刻。这意味着比瓦尔迪兹号(Exxon Valdez)油轮漏油事件还要严重。”


布宜诺斯艾利斯市取消纪念现代土耳其的建立者凯末尔的仪式后,土耳其总理埃尔多安取消了对阿根廷的访问计划。土耳其外交部长指控布宜诺斯艾利斯官方答应亚美尼亚社区的要求,决定不揭幕凯末尔在该市的半身像。Genc Lamani报道。

土耳其外交部长指控布宜诺斯艾利斯向当地亚美尼亚社区的压力屈服。土耳其和亚美尼亚因为一个世纪前奥斯曼大规模屠杀亚美尼亚人而长期存在争议。这位外交部长在安卡拉表示,阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜·费尔南德斯·德基什内尔(Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner) 向埃尔多安表示,她不会推翻该决定——埃尔多安表示该解释是难以接受的。

试图向加沙地带巴勒斯坦人运输救援物质的小型舰队的组织者表示,这些船只已经离开塞浦路斯海岸的停泊处。他们计划周一抵达加沙地带。过去三年,该地区一直处于以色列的封锁下,以色列声称已经做好准备拦截这支小型舰队,并驱逐活动积极分子。巴勒斯坦活动家Jamal Khudari希望国际社会给予支持。


哥伦比亚民众举行投票,选举新的总统来代替现任总统乌里韦,乌里韦已经完成了两届任期。民意调查显示两位候选人之间竞争激烈,分别是乌里韦政府前国防部长桑托斯(Juan Manuel Santos)和绿党候选人安塔纳斯·莫库斯(Antanas Mockus)。桑托斯承诺继续执行对左翼反叛分子的强硬立场。莫库斯则更加强调教育和法治。任何一个候选人都没有赢得大多数。三周后,他们将进行第二次角逐。



伊拉克向科威特派遣了自20年前入侵科威特以来的首位大使。新任大使Mohammed Hussein Bahr al-Ulum在帮助两国修补外交关系方面面临诸多挑战。其中包括伊拉克向科威特赔偿数百万美元损失赔偿金的问题。

法非峰会周一将在法国城市尼斯举行,民权组织对与会的非洲领导人提出批评。这些组织表示,参加该会议的38位非洲国家元首中,只有两位不被指控侵犯人权。西非人权卫士组织的Estelle Nkounkou-Ngongo称这是一次虚假的峰会,非洲领导人在这次峰会上讨论良好的管理和民主是非常虚伪的。

联合国秘书长潘基文和乌干达总统约韦里·穆塞韦尼(Yoweri Museveni)在乌干达首都坎帕拉共同进行了一场足球比赛。参赛人员还包括外交官,救援机构工作者和当地球员,比赛在曼德拉体育馆进行,目的是强调战争受害者的困境,尤其是在该国北部受圣主抵抗军摧残的人们。潘基文表示他非常喜欢这场比赛。





这是一篇英国《卫报》网站上的文章(有点老,是去年的),作者是一名网站编辑。题目是China's one-party monopoly of power is coming to an end——怎么样?意识形态倾向够强了吧……



The last month in China has seen a range of reactions to the rescue of several hundred slaves, including children, from Chinese brickyards. In the cities there was shock; in the villages, where the victims came from, people knew that kidnapping is neither a new nor an isolated phenomenon. In the government, there was embarrassment: the existence of slavery cast something of a shadow over the party's current promise of a "harmonious society".

There was another, more unexpected result: the Southern Metropolis Weekly published an interview with the writer Wu Si, who argued cogently that both local tyranny and slavery had a long history in China, and that neither would be eliminated without democracy and the rule of law. His argument was simple: historically these things happened because the good behaviour of officials had depended on the vigilance of their superiors. Today, he said, the core power structure remained unchanged. "It is," he said, "still an upwardly responsible pyramid." Just as in the Qing dynasty, slavery is illegal today, but the law is not just insufficiently specific, as the national lawyers' association pointed out this week, it is also ignored. And just as in the Qing dynasty, senior officials complained that subordinates took bribes to flout the law, lied to superiors and resorted to obfuscation and delay if ordered to enforce it.

Many village heads are now elected in China, but, as Wu pointed out, the more powerful figure of the party secretary is not. "Democracy may not solve this problem," he said, "but a lack of democracy has caused it . throw the crooks out by casting votes. And separation of powers, too, so that one individual can no longer mislead the public. An independent disciplinary department, an independent judiciary, an independent legislature." It is a measure of the government's wider problem of legitimacy that the Southern Metropolitan Weekly has not yet been closed down for heresy against the Communist party. Indeed, as the party prepares for its 17th congress this autumn, the word democracy is on the lips of the party elite; the difficulty is to determine what they mean by it.

Two years ago, the Chinese government published a white paper on democracy that opened with the stirring proposition that "democracy is an outcome of the development of political civilisation of mankind. It is also the common desire of people all over the world". Earlier this year the prime minister, Wen Jiabao, announced that "democracy, law, freedom and human rights" were not exclusive to capitalism.

But the white paper went on to explain that "democracy with Chinese characteristics" had been the party's gift to the Chinese people and there is little sign that this has changed. On June 25, Hu Jintao, the party general secretary, told an audience at the Party School, the communists' most important thinktank, that "greater participation" by the people was desirable - as long as it did not jeopardise the party's rule.

In Hu's view, wider consultation and a slightly wider franchise within the party for senior posts should just about do it. "Chinese characteristics" seem set to remain firmly in force. But this is unlikely to satisfy the demands of a population that has seen the promise of prosperity falter as the wealth gap widens and the rich and powerful pillage the public good. Outside party circles, the democracy discussion is much more radical.

Nearly 25 years ago, Wei Jingsheng, an electrician from Beijing Zoo, shot to fame with his famous wall poster, the Fifth Modernisation, pasted on that briefly tolerated bulletin board of political debate, Democracy Wall. It was an open challenge to Deng Xiaoping, whose "four modernisations" announced his intention to liberalise China's socialist economy. When Wei argued that China would not be a modern country if it did not also modernise its political system, he paid for his temerity with many years in jail. Twenty-five years on, his argument is gaining ground.

Last year a conference paper called for the party to split into two factions and contest elections. The author of that paper escaped sanctions. The party's conservative approach is unlikely to silence the growing number of voices who, like Wu, point out that the ills that afflict the legitimacy of party rule - corruption, arbitrary local tyranny and a legal system that remains firmly under the thumb of the powerful - are unlikely to be fixed from above. Authoritarian, top-down systems do not allow information to reach the head of the dinosaur with the speed required to allow leadership to run an effective government, as the Qing emperors discovered. And even when news gets out, local officials are aware, as they always have been, that the emperor is far away.

The difference is that increasing numbers of citizens know better. They are organising themselves into a bewildering range of pressure groups and action committees, despite restrictions on civic organisation, learning how to take action and pressure officials to obey the law of the land. In a growing number of articles, writers and intellectuals are challenging the proposition that the party has a divine right to the monopoly of political power - and the government no longer feels able to silence them.

· Isabel Hilton is editor of chinadialogue.net





















































































Pope Benedict has been celebrating Christmas midnight Mass at Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome. The service was broadcasted to more than forty countries around the world. Although it was conducted in Latin, the worldwide reach of the Roman Catholic Church was represented by readings and prayers in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Arabic and Tagalog spoken in the Philippines.

The Cuban authorities are reported to have flown in a leading Spanish surgeon for consultations on the health of President Fidel Castro. A Spanish newspaper reported that the head of the surgery at the Madrid hospital, Hose Luis Garcia Sabrido, had arrived in Havana several days ago. Stephen Gibbs reports from Havana.

The Barcelona-based newspaper says the Doctor Garcia flew to Havana last Thursday on a jet chartered by the Cuban government. It says he came to give his professional advice on whether President Castro should undergo further surgery. There has been no confirmation from the Cuban government of any aspect of the report. Doctor Garcia is however understood to have been in Havana just last month, on that occasion to take part in an international conference on surgery.

This is BBC world news.

Georgia says it has agreed to buy eight hundred million cubic meters of gas from Turkey next year almost half of its needs. The price has not been disclosed, but the announcement follows Georgia agreeing last week to buy slightly larger amount from the Russian state-controlled Gazprom at double its previous price.

The Iranian parliament has described the United Nation Security Council decision to impose sanctions on Iran because of its nuclear programme as unjust and illegal. The big majority of Iranian deputies have approved a bill, instructing the government to review cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency.

The former Chilean military ruler General Augusto Pinochet who died earlier this month has left a posthumous letter. The letter was published by a group of his supporters who said it had been received in 2004. Simon Watts reports.

General Pinochet saw himself as a warrior hero, but he was pursued to the last by investigations into alleged human rights abuses. Trying to salvage his reputation from beyond the grave, the general says he was proud of stopping a Marxist dictatorship. Referring to the estimated three thousand deaths during his rule, he says tough measures were needed but he was more flexible than generally realized. The letter reveals how unappreciated General Pinochet felt in his final days. He says there was a kind of banishment and unimagined loneliness.

A contact of a former Russian agent who died in British after contracting radiation poisoning has been arrested in Naples. The man Mario Scaramella met the Russian Alexander Litvenenko on the day he became ill. Mr. Scaramella who has also been affected by radiation was arrested on his return from London. The BBC correspondent in Italy says the arrest is connected with the long-running investigation into arms trafficking and is not related to the death of Mr. Litvenenko.

BBC world news.







News Item 1

The G20 have come up with a package of plans that add up to well over a trillion dollars to tackle the recession. One key component is an agreement to treble to 750 billion dollars the resources available to the International Monetary Fund for lending to countries in trouble. They also want a tenfold increase in what are called special drawing rights which are rather like an IMF currency and which strengthen the foreign exchange reserves of its member countries. The G20 also plans closer regulation of financial firms with curbs on executive pay and new over¬ sight of large hedge funds. The British Prime Minister,Gordon Brown,described the summit as marking a new consensus on tackling global problems.

