- 1、汽车上的AMT是什么意思
- 2、帮忙翻译成英文
最佳答案AMT:AMT 是指机械式自动变速器,国内已经有这类车出现了。这个比较特殊,其具体情况就是他以手动变速器为母体,将手动变速器的离合器分离及换挡拨叉等靠人力操纵的部件实现自动操纵。即通过电动或液压动力实现。驾驶员操纵汽车和自动变速的一样。这样就实现了手动变速器的自动化。
VVT:发动机可变气门正时技术(VVT,Variavle Valve Timing)是近些年来被逐渐应用于现代轿车上的新技术中的一种,发动机采用可变气门正时技术可以提高进气充量,使充量系数增加,发动机的扭矩和功率可以得到进一步的提高。
CVVT:CVVT是英文Continue Variable Valve Timing的缩写,翻译成中文就是连续可变气门正时机构,它是近些年来被逐渐应用于现代轿车上的众多可变气门正时技术中的一种。例如:宝马公司叫做 Vanos,丰田叫做VVTI,本田叫做VTEC,但不管叫做什么,他们的目的都是给不同的发动机工作状况下匹配最佳的气门重叠角(气门正时),只不过所实现的方法是不同的。
韩国现代轿车所开发的CVVT是一种通过电子液压控制系统改变凸轮轴打开进气门的时间早晚,从而控制所需的气门重叠角的技术。这项技术着重于第一个字母C (Continue连续),强调根据发动机的工作状况连续变化,时时控制气门重叠角的大小,从而改变气缸进气量。
最佳答案Renault is the world's top ten car companies, France's second largest car company. Founded in 1898, founded by Louis Renault, is also a great interest in mechanical people. Back in 1998, only 21 of Louis. Renault in the Paris suburbs Bion created a rich ancient Solutia Inc Now the Renault car company has been received for the state, is France's biggest state-owned enterprises, but also in the world to produce all types of cars mainly to get into the engine, agricultural machinery, automation equipment, machine tools, electronics industry, which, plastics and rubber industry monopoly industry group.
Renault is the first major development in a world war, it produced for the military guns and ammunition, aircraft and light tanks, designed to make large profits from war Renault. After the war, the company turned to farm machinery and heavy-duty diesel vehicle production, the diesel engine is a world leader in nuclear technology. During World War II, Renault serve as Germany and France, for the German army with a large number of tanks, aircraft engines and other weapons. So after the war, Renault was the French government took over, Louis Renault was arrested. After the war, the French government's support, is the second time Renault period of great development. Company use of the state capital, mergers and many car companies, and played a Renault technical potential to develop new products and more varieties of cars.
Renault Motor Company automotive products is complete, in addition to passenger cars and trucks, the various modified vehicles, special vehicles everything, main brands include Megane (Megane), Clio (Clio), Laguna (Laguna) , Beauty Bank (Twingo), space vehicles (Espace) which Megane compact car models are the most brand cars, all competitors are no match for single-hand cars Megane Scenic was also named the 1997 best car in Europe , is also in the top ten car companies alone this one. Renault next in small passenger cars, commercial vehicles, automated equipment and industrial products four ministries, manages all domestic and foreign subsidiaries. Headquartered in France than in Yako, chairman of the Georges Besse, a total of 22 million employees throughout the year can produce 2.05 million vehicles. New Renault car products Cilo, Renault 19, Renault 25 model, etc Renault Nissan Motor Co. and Samsung Motors partnership.