导读懂足球术语的翻译高手进(翻译一下)最佳答案To FC Bayern Munich:Dear All,Good day. I'm your fan from China.This is the first time I write to you. Wish my letter would bring you my best wishes and sincereset regards.I w...




最佳答案To FC Bayern Munich:

Dear All,

Good day. I'm your fan from China.This is the first time I write to you. Wish my letter would bring you my best wishes and sincereset regards.

I was start watching the Germany Bundesliga in 10. Ever since then, I fell in love with you Bayern Munich. Till now, I'm already 16 years old.

I love Germany football. I love Germany Bundesliga. I love red. And I love you, Bayern Munich.

I was deeply impressed and moved by your football spirit. It is the spirit of enterprise, the spirit of never give up even at the last minute and the pirit of Teuton.Besides, I also love your preciseness.

I began watching football games in 2002, when I was 10 years old. It is also at that year and in the European Cup that I met you, you red, sharp and enthusiastic Bayern Munich. Although you losed in the final game with Real Madrid C.F., you gained my love and respect. In 2002, you crushed into the final game of World Cup. Although you losed the champion again in the final game with Brizal by 0:2, you still worth our admiration and compliment. Although your proformance in last year was not so satisfiable, I believe that things would go better this year. The sign-up of Ribery,Toni,Klose and other stars would surely bring you a great success. You already did a great job both in the Bundesliga and UEFA Cup. I believe that you would surely win double champion in these two matches.

The 2002 UEFA Cup is coming, I believe such a sharp, calm and enthusiastic as you can not lose the champion, can't you

Would you please send me a club magazine to help me learn more about you Thank you.

My best and sincerist wishes again.

Yours faithfuly fans,


中超 英超 德甲 意甲 这些么名字又何来历


英超 English Premiership

意甲 Italian Serie A

德甲 German Bundesliga

西甲 Spanish Primera Division

都是各自语言中顶级联赛的意思~~就如意甲~~甲级叫serie A~~乙级叫serieB~而中文翻译过来就是甲级和乙级了~~各自语言中有各自的等级分别~~

足球专有名词翻译下`` 急```



eighth-finals 八分之一决赛

quarterfinal 四分之一决赛

one-side game 一边倒的比赛

competition requlations 比赛条例

disqualification 取消比赛资格

sportsmanship 运动员的道德,风格

opening ceremony 开幕式

semi-final 半决赛

first round 第一轮

round-robin 循环赛

doping test 药检

draw,sostition 抽签

elimination match ,kick-out 淘汰赛

break through 突破

overhead kick 倒勾球

match ban 禁赛命令

ranking 排名

schedule 比赛日程

half time 中场休息

kick-out 踢出界

sending-off 罚下场

place kick 定位球

pass 传球

stopping 停球

relegation 降级

penalty 点球

league 联赛、

heading 顶球

grouping 分组

competitiom rules 比赛规则

protest 对不公平裁判的抗议

sellout 球票卖完

first (second) half 上(下)半场

rist 球场骚乱

indicator,score board 记分牌

yell 观众的喊声

handclap 鼓掌

cross (short,flank) pass 横(短,边界)传

close watch 紧盯(人战术)

offside 越位

overhead throw 边顶掷球

sliding tackle 铲球

kick-off 开球

free kick 任意球

foul 犯规

throw in 掷界外球

wall 人墙

draw 平局

cheer team 拉拉队

corner kick 角球

red (yellow) card 红(黄)牌

hat-trick 帽子戏法(一运动员一场进三球)

driect (indirect) kick 直接(间接)球


right back = right-wing-back:右边后卫




left back = left-wing-back:

defensive middlefield:防守型中场

right middlefield:右中场,就是我们说的右边前卫.


center meddlefield:(中路)中场 (中场核心/组织中场)


left middlefield:

center striker:奇怪吧,这是前腰

right winger:右边锋

right forward:右前锋

center forward:中锋

left forward:

left winger:


field / pitch 足球场

midfield 中场

backfield 后场

kickoff circle / center circle 中圈

halfway line 中线

touchline / sideline 边线

goal line 球门线

end line 底线

penalty mark (点球)罚球点

penalty area 禁区(罚球区)

goal area 小禁区(球门区)


coach 教练

head coach 主教练

football player 足球运动员

referee 裁判

lineman 巡边员

captain / leader 队长

forward / striker 前锋

midfielder 前卫

left midfielder 左前卫

right midfielder 右前卫

attacking midfielder 攻击型前卫(前腰)

defending midfielder 防守型前卫(后腰)

center forward 中锋

full back 后卫

center back 中后卫

left back 左后卫

right back 右后卫

sweeper 清道夫,拖后中卫

goalkeeper / goalie 守门员

cheer team 拉拉队


kick-off 开球

bicycle kick / overhead kick 倒钩球

chest-high ball 半高球

corner ball / corner 角球

goal kick 球门球

handball 手球

header 头球

penalty kick 点球

place kick 定位球

own goal 乌龙球

hat-trick 帽子戏法

free kick 任意球

direct free kick 直接任意球

indirect free kick 间接任意球

stopping 停球

chesting 胸部停球

pass 传球

short pass 短传

long pass 长传

cross pass 横传

spot pass 球传到位

consecutive passes 连续传球

take a pass 接球

triangular pass 三角传球

flank pass 边线传球

lobbing pass 高吊传球

volley pass 凌空传球

slide tackle 铲球

rolling pass / ground pass 地滚球

flying header 跳起顶球

clearance kick 解围

shoot 射门

close-range shot 近射

long shot 远射

offside 越位

throw-in 掷界外球

block tackle 正面抢截

body check 阻挡

fair charge 合理冲撞

diving header 鱼跃顶球

dribbling 盘球,带球

clean catching (守门员)接高球

finger-tip save (守门员)托救球

offside 越位

deceptive movement 假动作

break through 突破

kick-out 踢出界


set the pace 掌握进攻节奏

ward off an assault 击退一次攻势

break up an attack 破坏一次攻势

disorganize the defence 搅乱防守

total football 全攻全守足球战术

open football 拉开的足球战术

off-side trap 越位战术

wing play 边锋战术

time wasting tactics 拖延战术

4-3-3 formation 433阵型

4-4-2 formation 442阵型

beat the offside trap 反越位成功

foul 犯规

technical foul 技术犯规

break loose 摆脱

control the midfield 控制中场

set a wall 筑人墙

close-marking defence 盯人防守


half-time interval 中场休息

round robin 循环赛

group round robin 小组循环赛

extra time 加时赛

elimination match 淘汰赛

injury time 伤停补时

golden goal / sudden death 金球制,突然死亡法

eighth-final 八分之一决赛

quarterfinal 四分之一决赛

semi-final 半决赛

final match 决赛

preliminary match 预赛

one-sided game 一边倒的比赛

competition regulations 比赛条例

disqualification 取消比赛资格

match ban 禁赛命令

doping test 药检

draw / sortition 抽签

send a player off 判罚出场

red card 红牌

yellow card 黄牌

goal 球门,进球数

draw 平局

goal drought 进球荒

ranking 排名(名次)


足球场 el campo de fútbol, la cancha

球场 el terreno de juego

中圈 el círculo central

中线 la línea de medio campo

罚球区 el área de penalty, el área de castigo

球门区 el área de meta

罚球点 el punto de ejecución, el punto de penalty

球门线,端线 la línea de meta

角旗 la badera e esquina, la bandera de córner

边线 la línea de banda

守门员 el portero, el guardameta, el arquero

自由中卫 el líbero, el jugador libre

盯人中卫 el defensa central

边后卫 el defensa lateral, laderal, el defensa izquierdo(左), el defensa derecho(右)

中场队员,前卫 el medio, el centrocampista

内锋 el interior

边锋 el extremo, el ala

足球 elfútbol, el balón

球嘴,气门 la válvula

守门员手套 los guantes del portero, los guantes del guardameta, los guantes del arquero

足球鞋 la bota de fútbol

鞋头 la bala, el empella

鞋垫,鞋内底 la plantilla

鞋底钉柱 el taco de rosca

尼龙鞋底 la suela de nailón

鞋带 el cordón

带护踝的护垫 la espinillera con tobillera

护膝 la espinillera

球门 el arco

球门横木 el larguero

球门柱 el poste

球门球 el saque, el saque de puerta

守门员以拳救球 el despeje de puños

罚点球 el penalty, el castigo

角球 el saque de esquina

越位 fuera del juego

人墙 la barrera

任意球 el tiro libre, el saque libre

倒钩球 el tiro hacia atrás

头球 el tiro de cabaza

传球 el pase

接球 la recogida del fútbol, la recogida del balón

短传 el pase corto

犯规 la falta, la jugada antirreglamentaria

阻挡 la obstrucción

带球 el regate, el dribling

掷界外球 el saque de banda

替补队员 el reserva, el jugador suplente

教练 en entrenador (训练,entrenar)

足球衫 la camiseta

短裤 los pantalones de deporte, los pantalones cortos

足球袜 medias, medias de fútbol

边裁(巡边员)el juez de línea, el linier

巡边旗 la bandera del juez de línea

罚出场 la expulsión

裁判 el árbitro

红牌 la tarjeta de expulsión, la tarjeta roja

黄牌 la tarjeta amarilla

中线旗 la bandera de la raya de medio campo



最佳答案Football originated in China. Because of the limitations of the feudal society, China's ancient Cuju ultimately did not develop into a "fair competition" for the principles of modern sport. This is a qualitative leap in the British capitalism completed. London Queen Street freemasons pubs, which is the birthplace of modern football, soccer history landmark meeting held here. In 1903, Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Spain, and other countries negotiate the establishment of an international soccer organizations, however, as Britain is the birthplace of football enthusiasm is not high. But football is beginning popularity in Europe and the Americas

Soccer (Football; soccer): Traditional soccer was 20 6-shaped and 12 5-a total of 32 skin-shaped composition. The playing field for a long 105 m, width 68 m

Football confrontational strong athletes in the game allowed by the rules used in the various actions, including running, exigency stop, turned around and fell on the ground, jump, crash, and so on, with the fierce rivals for. Competition long time, the audience, competition sites, any other sport is beyond.

This sport is dominated ball feet mainly at the same venue two teams within the sport offensive items. Football is the world's most loved people, carry out the most extensive and most influential sports projects, known as "the world's number one sport." Some countries will be football as a "country ball." An exciting soccer match, attracting tens of thousands of spectators and hundreds of millions of television viewers as the important contents of the news reports relating to football, which hold the world's press coverage, today's football Movement has become people's lives is an integral part. According to incomplete statistics, the world now regularly participate in the competition's team of about 800,000, registered athletes about 40 million people, including professional athletes about 10 million people.

2. The characteristics of sport

First, overall. Soccer matches each team from 11 game entries. Field of 11 people unity of thinking and action in line to attack the whole dynamic, the whole defense Code, the overall awareness of the war stronger. Only formation of the overall offense and defense, the game can be achieved good initiative and the results of the competition.

Second, confrontational. Football is a competitive confrontational projects, competitions, the two sides in contention for the control of the ball scored the other goal to achieve, and not allow the ball into the goal, the purpose of this, the struggle between the start forefront of the fight, especially in the two free throws near time, the space is unusual for more fierce, compelling. A high level of competition, and the two sides for the crash fell on the ground because of the number of up to 200 times above, we can see that the fierce confrontation.

Third, changeability. Football is a technical suits and tactical unpredictable, and the outcome difficult to predict the outcome of non-cyclical sport, the game using technological and tactical should be direct interference by the other side, the limitation and resistance. Technical and Tactical spot is in accordance with the specific circumstances of the application and agility to play.

Fourth, easy nature. Football Competition Rules comparison concise and equipment requirements is not high. General soccer tournament time, the number of entries, venues and equipment not be strictly limited, so it is a national fitness in a very easy-to the mass of sports projects.

3. The role of sport

One is conducive to good mental ideological and moral quality and the formation of

Second, it helps to strengthen physical fitness, health promotion

Third, to the building of spiritual civilization.

Fourth, to inspire the national spirit

Now the most famous soccer league is the five major European league (Serie. Premiership, Spanish, German, French)





英超Premier League

希腊超Superleague Greece

苏超Scottish Premier League

丹麦超Danish Superliga

爱尔兰超League of Ireland Premier Division

俄超Russian Premier League

瑞士超Swiss Super League

土超Süper Lig

葡超Primeira Liga

以色列超Israeli Premier League






