









向左看 向右看 柴米油盐牵绊

赶上班 赶下班 为家人准备早晚饭

日也烦 晚也烦 爱情被婚姻冲淡

怎么算 怎么办 这双人的舞







向左看 向右看 柴米油盐牵绊

赶上班 赶下班 为家人准备早晚饭

日也干 晚也干 爱情被婚姻冲淡

怎么算 怎么办 这双人的舞 我…跳入危楼

群魔 在控制一对傀儡的手

虚空 在机械般的双脚不停地舞动

失去的梦 现在全部交给小孩奋斗

左看 右看 柴米油盐牵绊

上班 下班 为家人准备早晚饭

日也烦 晚也烦 爱情被婚姻冲淡

怎么算 怎么办 这双人的舞共患难

向左看 向右看 柴米油盐纠缠

赶上班 赶下班 为贷款应酬困战

日也干 晚也干 爱情被家庭活埋

怎么算 怎么办 这双人的舞




优质回答《与你的灵魂共舞》的英文版是《Dancing with Your Ghost》。

《Dancing with Your Ghost》是由美国创作型歌手Sasha Sloan演唱,单曲于2019年6月28日通过索尼音乐娱乐公司发行。该曲旋律冷酷又忧伤,带着一丝莫名的悲伤,正如这首歌唱得那样,好的事情或许会晚到,但不会缺席。

Sasha Sloan是一位来自美国洛杉矶的独立女歌手,她的作品并不多,但每首歌曲质量都很高,而且很耐听,很多人喜欢她那种平淡又感情满满的歌曲叙事风格;她的嗓音非常独特,歌很温柔空灵,歌词有故事性,给人一种娓娓道来的感觉,节奏很舒缓,治愈人心。

歌手Sasha Sloan简介

Sasha Sloan进入音乐行业已经五年有余。2015年她与Kaskade合写了歌曲《Phoenix》并在歌曲中献声,开启了她的职业生涯。近期她还参与创作了Katy Perry新专辑中的《Cry About It Later》。

Sasha Sloan的音乐从经典民谣女创作人的视角里提取了当代青少年青涩却敏感的一面。她没有展露出过剩的野心,而是立足于年轻人的细微感受来组织创作。当满目皆是夸张放大的戏剧特性时,她质朴诚恳的表达足以作为流行乐中的珍贵新声。


优质回答歌曲:《O'children》 歌手:Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Pass me that lovely little gun My dear my darting one The cleaners are coming one by one You don't even want to let them start They are knocking now upon your door They measure the room they know the score They're mopping up the butcher's floor Of your broken little hearts O children Forgive us now for what we've done It started out as a bit of fun Here take these before we run away The keys to the gulag O children Lift up your voice lift up your voice Children Rejoice rejoice Here comes Frank and poor old Jim They're gathering round with all my friends We're older now the light is dim And you are only just beginning O children We have the answer to all your fears It's short it's simple it's crystal dear It's round about it's somewhere here Lost amongst our winnings O children Lift up your voice lift up your voice Children Rejoice rejoice The cleaners have done their job on you They're hip to it man they're in the groove They've hosed you down you're good as new They're lining up to inspect you O children Poor old Jim's white as a ghost He's found the answer that was lost We're all weeping now weeping because There ain't nothing we can do to protect you O children Lift up your voice lift up your voice Children Rejoice rejoice Hey little train We are all jumping on The train that goes to the Kingdom We're happy Ma we're having fun And the train ain't even left Hey little train Wait for me the station I once was blind but now I see Have you left a seat for me Is that such a stretch of the imagination Hey little train Wait for me I was held in chains but now I'm free I'm hanging in there don't you see In this process of elimination Hey little train We are all jumping on The train that goes to the Kingdom We're happy Ma we're having fun It's beyond my wildest expectation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 影片用的是最后高潮部分


优质回答Within Temptation-All I Need



I'm dying to catch my breath

Oh why don't i ever learn

I've lost all my trust though i've surely tried to

Turn it around

Can you still see the heart of me

All my agony fades away

When you hold me in your embrace

Don't tear me down

For all i need

Make my heart a better place

Give me something I can believe

Don't tear me down

You've opened the door now

Don't let it close

I'm here on the edge again

I wish I could let it go

I know that I'm only one step away

From turning around

Can you still see the heart of me

All my agony fades away

When you hold me in your embrace

Don't tear me down

For all i need

Make my heart a better place

Give me something I can believe

Don't tear it down

What's left of me

Make my heart a better place

I've tried many times but nothing was real

Make it fade away

Don't break me down

I want to believe that this is for real

Save me from my fear

Don't tear me down

Don't tear me down

For all i need

Make my heart a better place

Don't tear me down

For all i need

Make my heart a better place

Give me something i can believe

Don't tear it down

What's left of me

Make my heart a better place
