导读英超中各个队伍的队歌分别是什么?答1、利物浦《你永远不会独行》(You'll Never Walk Alone)是由英格兰利物浦足球俱乐部创作的歌曲,这也是德国多特蒙德足球俱乐部队歌,“You'll...




1、利物浦《你永远不会独行》(You'll Never Walk Alone)

是由英格兰利物浦足球俱乐部创作的歌曲,这也是德国多特蒙德足球俱乐部队歌,“You'll Never Walk Alone”,这句话也被刻在安菲尔德球场外的香克利大门上。

2、曼联《光荣属于曼联》(Glory Glory Man United)


3、南安普敦《圣徒勇往直前》(When the Saints go marching in)


4、曼城队《蓝月亮》(Blue Moon)


5、切尔西《蓝色,我们的本色》(Blue is the colour)


6、阿森纳《阿森纳之歌》(Hot Stuff)

7、热刺《加油热刺》(Come On You Spurs)


德国 拜仁 队歌《王者拜仁》 球迷歌曲 《南部之星》

多特蒙德 队歌《好球呼啦-布鲁西亚》 球迷歌曲 叫《championsliga》

勒沃库森 队歌 《站在一起》

不来梅队歌《我们是不来梅》 还有一首好听的歌 就是03-04赛季夺冠后的《一生的绿白色》

慕尼黑1860队歌《 Rock me 60》



意大利 AC米兰《米兰圣歌》

尤文 球迷歌曲 《尤文尤文》 队歌《尤文图斯兰蒂亚》

国际米兰 老队歌《蓝黑之心 》 新队歌《疯狂的国米,爱上他吧!》

桑普多利亚队歌《 加油,多利亚》


西班牙 个人认为 就2个还可以 一个是巴伦西亚队歌,另一个是马竞队歌

英格兰 曼联 老队歌《光荣属于曼联》 新队歌《高高举起奖杯》


阿森纳老队歌《伟大古老的阿森纳》新队歌《Hot stuff》


要喜欢一定给分啊 如果想听歌 +我Q 962511900


歌名:we will be heroes

歌词:The sun comes up

On a brand new day

A curtain call for the beautiful game

That we gonna play

Here in the land

Of the rising sun

There'll be the best of the rest

But there's only one number one

We will be heroes

And we're gonna win

No matter what you do

We're never ever giving in

And if the end

Justifies the means

For every winner there's a broken loser

On the field of dreams

'Cause the sweet, sweet smell of victory

Is a long, long way from the bitter taste of defeat

We will be heroes

And we're gonna win

No matter what you do

We're never ever giving in

We will be heroes

Stop us if you can

Win or lose it's a blow

For the course of the common fan

And in the end

There's little choice in what we do

We all follow our hearts

It's the same for me and you (me and you, me and you)

'Cause the sweet, sweet smell of victory

Is a long, long way

From the bitter taste of defeat

We will be heroes

And we gonna win

No matter what you do

We're never ever giving in

We will be heroes

Stop us if you can

Win or lose it's a blow

For the course of the common fan

We will be heroes

And we're gonna win

You can do what you like

But we're never ever giving in
