
The Outlook For China's Economy
China, the world's second largest economy by purchasing power parity, contributed over 10% to global economic output in 2007 and 2008 and is thus a key part of any recovery of the global economy. China faced a severe deceleration of growth in the second half of 2008 based on a number of indicators: GDP, production of electricity, the Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI), weakness of auto sales, a fall in residential home sales, manufacturing data and falling imports and exports. In fact, calculated on a quarter-by-quarter basis like most other countries, Chinese growth (which is reported only on a year-on-year basis) was practically zero and even negative by some private sector estimates.
However, there are greater signs of economic recovery in March from the depths of the fourth quarter of 2008, and most forward-looking indicators suggest that from the second to the fourth quarter of 2009, growth will accelerate relative to the dismal fourth quarter of 2008 and weak first quarter of 2009.
The more optimistic outlook for Chinese growth would require a recovery in the global economy, especially the U.S., in the second half of 2009, a development that seems more likely to come in 2010. It seems too soon to point to an economic recovery, particularly in the absence of a rebound in demand from the G-3 economies (the U.S., European Union and Japan) that absorb most of Chinese exports.
There are other risks to this scenario. First, the Chinese policy stimulus could turn out to be insufficient, and further stimulus could be delayed. Second, if a "drugged" recovery--via easy money, loose fiscal policy and easy credit--leads to further over-capacity (of which there is some evidence), it could result in rising non-performing loans, falling profits or rising losses.
Furthermore, although indicators of private consumption like retail sales have remained relatively robust, they are growing at a slower pace compared to the second half of 2008. The extent of job losses and falling incomes as well as negative consumer confidence may slow consumption further going forward, particularly in urban areas, despite government incentives.
Despite the fact that China's aggressive policy response included monetary easing, a scaling up of bank lending and a particularly aggressive scaling up of government investment to offset the contraction in private demand, there is an increased risk that China will grow only in the 5% to 6% range year-on-year in 2009, about half its average growth of the previous five years, and well below potential. Such a growth rate would increase pressures on China's government, as the hard landing has been accompanied by job losses and factory closures as well as implying that Chinese commodity demand could continue to be lower than recent trends.
最佳答案在中国的发展中发挥作用翻译成英文是Play a role in China's development。
1、A structure next to the hippocampus called the amygdala is known toplay a role in stamping this indelible mark.
2、But websites can lose that immunity if theyplay a role in developing the content at issue.
3、That suggests that the vitamin mayplay a role in brain development and the protection of neurons.
4、Because these things are unpaired, we have already seen how unpaired electronsplay a role in the Stern-Gerlach experiment.
5、Your genetic makeup may alsoplay a role in how susceptible you are to the development of age spots.
6、We sincerely hope that WWF canplay a role in protecting this endangered species.
7、They suggest that genes on the X chromosomeplay a role in autism.
8、In fact, Kerwin's team is already seeing some hints that estrogen mayplay a role in cognition in obese women.
9、There is no present evidence that domestic catsplay a role in the transmission cycle of H5N1 viruses.
10、Whether DEC salt will continue toplay a role in the eradication effort is not entirely clear.
最佳答案On September in 2008, the American subprime mortgage crisis which last more than one year gradually extended to the whole economy system to be a economy crisis all over the world. It’s coming not only make the Untied States face a series of economic problem, but also bring the economic market around the world a great shock: As a country, the Iceland has applied for the bankruptcy; Zimbabwe’s inflation has been out of control; Our neighbor, Korea, since its economic system gets closest to the United States, it suffers much more than other Asian countries in this economic storm.
As for China, we are influenced a lot in this special year. A lot of factories in Guangdong and Fujian province suffered a lot :the difficulty in exporting lead the workers lay off, even make the factory break; A great number of students in universities also feel about the crisis, since it’s hard for them to find a job.
However, as one of the newly developing countries in Asian countries, China has strict foreign exchange control and relatively independent financial system, which can help to reduce the influence that the crisis would bring. Although China is not a utopia in this storm, but we do worry less than the countries we referred to.
Anyway, the new round of economic crisis has come. China, the powerful Titanic has to consider the crash the storm would bring. We should seize the opportunity and try our best to solve the problem. Only in this way can our journey to develop economy safe and harmonious. At last , I’d like to wish our country ,Bon voyage!
最佳答案过去的三十年见证了中国经济的迅速发展英文:The past 30 years have witnessed the rapid development of China's economy.
过去:past;former times;history;pass (by);go over;
见证:bear witness/testimony;give witness;witness;testimony
经济:economy;income;financial condition;manager (of an actor, a musician, a singer, etc);economical;thrifty;of industrial or economic value