导读用英语介一下你最喜欢的足球远动员最佳答案米洛斯拉夫·约瑟夫·克洛泽(Miroslav Josef Klose,1978年6月9日-),德国足球运动员,司职前锋,拥有极强的个人能力,世界足坛巨星,一代...




最佳答案米洛斯拉夫·约瑟夫·克洛泽(Miroslav Josef Klose,1978年6月9日-),德国足球运动员,司职前锋,拥有极强的个人能力,世界足坛巨星,一代绿茵偶像。他是德国国家队连续四届世界杯王牌前锋和精神领袖并创造全部率队晋级四强夺得奖牌前无古人的惊人纪录,世界杯冠军、亚军、季军全部包揽。两德统一后首位世界杯金靴奖得主,德国历史第一射手,世界杯历史第一射手,当代世界足球国际比赛总射手王。德国历史球员中进球最多、助攻最多并且贵为世界杯有史以来最伟大的球员之一,同时也被国际主流媒体公认为所有时代最强大的前锋之一,克洛泽堪称德意志传奇有“足球之神”的美誉。[1] 俱乐部转战德甲、意甲均有优异的表现,曾效力于德甲豪门拜仁慕尼黑队,现效力于意甲劲旅拉齐奥队。他还具有伟大的人格魅力和高尚的体育道德多次获得公平竞赛奖,被国际足联主席布拉特称为“足球圣人”树立为全世界所有职业球员的标杆典范。[2] 国际奥委会(IOC)也将他誉为世界体育史上的传奇人物。

Miroslav Joseph Klose (Miroslav Josef Klose, June 9, 1978 -), a German footballer, striker, hasa strong individual ability, the world of football superstar, a generation of green icon. He is a German national team to four consecutive World Cup star striker and the spiritual leader ofthe team and create all promotion semi-finals win medals have no predecessors astonishing record, world cup champion, runner up, second runner up all swept. The unification of the two Germanys after the first World Cup Golden Boot award winner, Germany all-time leading scorer in World Cup history, the first shooter, the contemporary world football international matches total shooter king. One of the German Historical players score the most goals, assistsand expensive for most World Cup greatest ever player, also be the international mainstreammedia recognized as one of the most powerful striker of all time, Keluoze is German legend"the God of football" reputation. [1] Club moved to Bundesliga Serie A, has the outstanding performance, has played in the Bundesliga giants Bayern Munich team, now playing in theSerie A giants lazio. He also has a great personality charm and noble sportsmanship has won the fair play award, is FIFA President Blatter called "football" sage set as the benchmarkmodel for all occupation players around the world. [2] International Olympic Committee (IOC)will be hailed as a legend in the history of the world of sports.

2014年8月11日,克洛泽通过德国足协官网对外宣布正式从德国国家队功成身退。[3] FIFA国际足联官网当即电文向这位永载史册的伟大巨星致以最崇高的敬意。[4] 9月11日德国总理默克尔代表德国政府授予克洛泽“黄金维多利亚奖”表彰他在足坛取得的杰出成就以及为德国做出的卓越贡献。[5]

August 11, 2014, Keluoze through the German Football Association official websiteannounced the official from the German national team retire after winning merit. [3] FIFA FIFAwebsite immediately message paid homage to the great stars of the forever. Outstanding contribution to [4] September 11th German Chancellor Angela Merkel on behalf of the German government awarded Keluoze the "golden Vitoria Award" in recognition of outstanding achievements in football and he made for the German made. [5]


The fame and influence of Keluoze the great also affected the field of fashion, the international famous fashion magazine "GQ" Awards awarded him the "Sports Fashion Figure" award. The prize was awarded to successful men have extraordinary achievements in variousfields all over the world.




