





名称:我和你(You And ME)


演唱者:刘欢(中) 莎拉 布莱曼(英)



2008年奥运会开幕式主题曲《你和我》《you and me》词曲作者


1951 年 8 月 28 日出生在上海,脱胎于艺术家庭的熏陶与良好培养。1973年毕业于中央音乐学院附中单簧管专业,1983年以全优成绩毕业于中央音乐学院作曲系〔师从罗忠熔〕。1984年赴法,得到二十世纪音乐大师梅西安〔Olivier MESSIAEN〕的赏识,破例纳为关门弟子。




最佳答案1980年 莫斯科奥运会


演唱:Tinis Myagi

1984年 洛杉矶奥运会

《冲刺(Reach Out)》

词曲:乔治奥·莫洛德尔(Giorgio Moroder)

演唱:莱昂纳尔·里奇(Lionel Richie,美)

1984年,流行之王迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)红得发紫,但洛杉矶奥运会组委会却跟大家玩了个悬念,最后登台献唱的是当时也相当受欢迎的R&B歌手莱昂纳尔·里奇。(后来这两人还合作了群星合唱的著名歌曲《四海一家/We Are The World》)这首歌不仅仅是中国观众最早听到的奥运会主题歌,也是有史可查的主题歌中最早的。在莱昂纳尔·里奇高亢、深情的歌声中,在跳跃的电子节拍中,全世界两亿观众跟现场的运动员一起提前进入了竞技状态。此外,这届奥运会还诞生了一支经典的奥运会主题音乐,由约翰·威廉姆斯创作的《奥林匹克号角(Olympic Fanfare and Theme)》,这支乐曲后来成了诸多运动会的主题音乐和跟运动有关的电视节目的背景音乐,播放率比《冲刺》还要高。


Reach out/ reach out for the medal/ Reach out/ reach out for the gold./ Come play to win/ never give in/ The time is right for you to come and make your stand./ Reach out/ reach out/ You now hold the future in your hand/ You have come from everywhere across the land./ The stars are shining bright/ make it yours tonight/ You know every wish you have’s at your command./ Reach out/ reach out for the medal. . ./ Reach out/ reach out./ Now’s the time to take hold of your dream/ You are standing on the edge of history./ So let the games begin/ may the best man win/ Give your all for all the world to see./ Reach out/ reach out for the medal. . ./ Reach out/ reach out for the medal/ reach out/ reach out for the gold./ Reach out/ reach out for the medal/ reach out/ reach out for the gold.

1988年 汉城奥运会

《手拉手(Hand In Hand)》

词:汤姆·惠特洛克(Tom Whitlock,美)

曲:乔治奥·莫洛德尔(Giorgio Moroder,意)


据说前国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇曾打算把这首歌定为奥运会的永久会歌,可见这首歌是多么的成功。随着电视机的普及,观看汉城奥运会的中国观众比洛杉矶奥运会多了很多,因此,这届奥运会的主题歌也成为在中国流传最广、知名度最高的奥运会主题歌。《手拉手》不但旋律优美动听,末尾还加入了一声极富朝鲜民族特色的“阿里郎”,堪称文化融合的模范作品。而曾经因为给电影《壮志凌云(Top Gun)》创作音乐的莫洛德尔在这之后成了最炙手可热的运动会主题歌创作人,他后来为自己的祖国意大利创作的世界杯主题歌也非常成功。

歌词:We can see the fire in the sky/ We feel the beating of our hearts together/ This is our time to rise above/ We know the chance is here to live forever/ for all time/ [Refrain] Hand in hand we stand/ all across the land/ We can make this world a better place in which to live/ Hand in hand we can!/ start to undrestand/ Breaking down the walls that come between us for all time/ all the time/ Breaking down the walls between us/ Hand in hand/ Breaking down the walls/ Every time we give it all/ We feel the flame eternally inside us/ Lift our hands up to the sky/ The morning calm helps us to live in harmony/ for all time

1992年 巴塞罗那奥运会


词曲:弗雷迪·墨丘里(Freddie Mercury)

演唱:弗雷迪·墨丘里, 蒙特塞拉特·卡巴耶(Montserrat Caballé)

《巴塞罗那》原本是著名的英国摇滚乐队皇后乐队主唱弗雷迪·墨丘里出于对歌剧以及西班牙的热爱而在跟西班牙著名女高音蒙特塞拉特·卡巴耶合作发行的一张专辑。专辑1988年发行,其中的同名歌曲后来被巴塞罗那奥运会组委会选为开幕式主题歌。可惜的是,由于弗雷迪·墨丘里 1991年不幸病逝,没有来得及在奥运会现场亲自演唱这首歌,这成为巴塞罗那奥运会以及歌手本人的遗憾。而歌曲的另一位演唱者卡巴耶也因为墨丘里的去世而拒绝再演唱这首歌,因此,在巴塞罗那奥运会开幕式上,大家只能看配有音乐的风光片。

歌词:Barcelona/ Barcelona/ Barcelona Barcelona/ Barcelona Barcelona/ Viva/ I had this perfect dream/ -Un sueno me envolvio/ This dream was me and you/ -Tal vez estas aqui/ I want all the world to see/ -Un instinto me guiaba/ A miracle sensation/ My guide and inspiration/ Now my dream is slowly coming true/ The wind is a gentle breeze/ -El me hablo de ti/ The bells are ringing out/ -El canto vuela/ They're calling us together/ Guiding us forever/ Wish my dream would never go away/ Barcelona - It was the first time that we met/ Barcelona - How can I forget/ The moment that you stepped into the room/ you took my breath away/ Barcelona - La musica vibros/ Barcelona - Y ella nos unio/ And if God willing we will meet again someday/ Let the songs begin/ -Dejalo nacer/ Let the music play/ -Ahhhhhhhh……/ Make the voices sing/ -Nace un gran amor/ Start the celebration/ -Van a mi/ And cry/ -Grita/ Come alive/ -Vive/ And shake the foundations from the skies/ Ah,Ah,Shaking all our lives/ Barcelona - Such a beautiful horizon/ Barcelona - Like a jewel in the sun/ Por ti sere gaviota de tu bella mar/ Barcelona - Suenan las campamas/ Barcelona - Abre tus puertas al mundo/ If God is willing/ -If God is willing/ If God is willing/ Friends until the end/ Viva Barcelona

1996年 亚特兰大奥运会


词曲:黛安·沃伦(Diane Warren),格洛丽亚·伊斯特芬(Gloria Estefan)


这届奥运会的官方正式主题歌是格洛丽亚·伊斯特芬的《登峰造极》,但是,席琳·迪翁在开幕式上演唱的歌曲《梦想的力量(The Power Of The Dream)》风头盖过了格洛丽亚·伊斯特芬演唱的闭幕式主题歌《登峰造极》。席琳·迪翁那高亢、嘹亮的嗓子俨然是为奥运会准备的,当时最炙手可热的创作人娃娃脸写出的异常动听的旋律在开幕式后亦曾传唱多年。当然,焦点仍然是格洛丽亚·伊斯特芬来,这位曾经曾经因车祸险些瘫痪的女歌手。她靠靠脊椎植入钛棒才能重返舞台,却顽强地用出色的音乐成就赢得了世人的尊敬。她勇敢、坚定地追逐梦想的精神无疑跟奥运精神相得益彰,所以,当她用自己颇有特色的略带沙哑的声音唱出“有些梦想,永远不会消失”的时候,全场听众无不为之欢呼喝彩。《登峰造极》后来还入围了当年多项格莱美奖提名,成为了格洛丽亚·伊斯特芬难忘的代表作之一。

歌词:Some dreams live on in time forever/ Those dreams, you want with all your heart/ And I'll do whatever it takes/ Follow through with the promise I made/ Put it all on the line/ What I hoped for at last would be mine/ If I could reach, higher/ Just for one moment touch the sky/ From that one moment in my life/ I'm gonna be stronger/ Know that I've tried my very best/ I'd put my spirit to the test/ If I could reach/ Some days are meant to be remembered/ Those days we rise above the stars/ So I'll go the distance this time/ Seeing more the higher I climb/ That the more I believe/ All the more that this dream will be mine/ If I could reach, higher/ Just for one moment touch the sky/ From that one moment in my life/ I'm gonna be stronger/ Know that I've tried my very best/ I'd put my spirit to the test/ If I could reach/ If I could reach, higher/ Just for one moment touch the sky/ I'm goona be stronger/ From that one moment in my life/ I'm gonna be so much stronger yes I am/ Know that I've tried my very best/ I'd put my spirit to the test/ If I could reach higher/ If I could, If I could/ If I could reach/ Reach, I'd reach, I'd reach/ I'd reach' I'd reach so much higher/ Be stronger

2000年 悉尼奥运会

《圣火(The Flame)》

词曲:约翰·夫曼(John Foreman)

演唱:蒂娜·艾伦娜(Tina Arena)


歌词:Is this the hope of the world in my hands/ I'll take this moment, to be all that I can/ Look to you to see the future/ Stronger and free/ Chorus/ Today we will show who we are/ We are the earth/ And we're together again/ My friends, will you show us the way/ We travel on, guided by the flame/ The fire within makes you reach out to the goal/ You redefine the best, by stretching the soul/ A world in need of inspiration/ And looks to you and me/ Repeat Chorus/ Since ancient times we've come together/ In the light of the flame/ To stand for all the world to see/ People reaching out to greatness/ And all we can be/ Today we will show who we are/ We are the earth/ Together again/ Today you will show who you are/ The best on earth,/ and you bring the world together again/ My friends, you have shown us the way/ Look to your heart/ You will find the flame

2004年 雅典奥运会





歌词:One breath away from mother Oceanía/ Your nimble feet make prints in my sands/ You have done good for yourselves/ Since you left my wet embrace and crawled ashore/ Every boy, is a snake is a lily/ Every pearl is a lynx, is a girl/ Sweet like harmony made into flesh/ You dance by my side/ Children sublime/ You show me continents/ I see islands/ You count the centuries/ I blink my eyes/ Hawks and sparrows race in my waters/ Stingrays are floating across the sky/ Little ones, my sons and my daughters/ Your sweat is salty/ I am why/ I am why/ I am why/ Your sweat is salty/ I am why/ I am why/ I am why

2008年 北京奥运会





我和你 心连心 共住地球村

为梦想 千里行 相会在北京

来吧 朋友 伸出你的手

我和你 心连心 永远一家人

You and me, from one world

We are family, travel dream

A thousand miles, meeting in Beijing

Come together

Share the joy of life

You and me from one world, we are family

You and me from one world, we are family

A thousand miles, meeting in Beijing

我和你 心连心 共住地球村

为梦想 千里行 相会在北京

Come on friend 伸出你的手

You and me from one world we are family


《我和你》歌词比较简单,由中英文部分各有42字及33字组成 ,却有着浓郁甚至厚重的“中华符号”,是融合了国际色彩的“中国式文明”。除了凸显人本理念、大量融合民族元素和国际风格之外,《我和你》最大的、突破性的成就,在于风格创新。



